--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A physician supposedly cannot talk about sociology
> or history. But the person with that view, can 
> authoritatively opine on these two topics, ani thea
> bhair, religion, anthropology, genetics, cancer,
> migration patterns, etc none of which are related to
> his professed field. Granted  his  instantaneous
> expertise is obtained by net-surfing. 

I was hoping that I had seen the last of Gilbert's
indecent intervention in this thread. Alas, I was
wrong. In the above excerpt he is misstating what I
said in addition to besmirching me one more time. The
last couple of times he used foul language to do the

To set the record straight, I said that a medic was
free to write about sociology or history just as a
priest is free to write about science. 

But since Gilbert has taken the trouble to demean me
again in this public forum, I would appreciate it if
he does the following:

1. Kindly tells me how he (Gilbert) knows that
anthropology, genetics and migration patterns are not
related to my field.

2. Kindly tells me how he knows that my knowledge in
these areas and in religion and cancer comes only from

3. Kindly tells me which of these areas, including
history and sociology falls within his field of

4. Kindly sends me a copy of his book "Amchi Khobor",
so I can also be an instant expert on Goan culture and
history, and history of languages, Konkani, etc. by
reading material that has not been obtained by
net-surfing. I will pay for it.



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