I am yet to see a single post by Gilbert whose object
is not to demean or belittle others, by making
self-serving bogus assumptions about them. In this
thread alone he now has 4 gratuitous and unprovoked
posts of this nature. 

Ignoring the abusive garbage in his latest post
appended below, I would just like to correct the
falsehoods that he is propagating.

Gilbert's first falsehood is that I did not read what
was written on the irrelevant weblink he provided, and
by implication, that I am not aware of the original
findings in the field of population genetics, a
cursory simplified description of which was given on
that webpage. 

The truth is I have written a long string of posts on
this subject in this and other Goan forums over the
last dozen or so years. My most recent post on this
subject was in response to Teotoniobab's invitation to
write a summary of Cavalli-Sforza's book entitled
"Genes, Peoples and Languages", on Goa Research Net.
Here is the link to it, if you can access it:


If you read any of this material, you will notice that
despite Gilbert's silly claims, this field has nothing
to do with religion. The use of the names Adam and Eve
is not appropriate even in the metaphorical sense. 

Gilbert's second falsehood is that only his wife is
the author of the book "Amchi Khobor". The truth is
both he and his wife are the authors. Here is a link
to a short review of that book by Jose Colaco:


If Gilbert had agreed to send me that book, I would
have paid $5.00 plus postage. I would have also
written a more detailed critical review, which I am
sure Jose can do as well.



--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frankly it is your loss (and perhaps the start of
> the P contest) when you refuse to read and
> understand the perspective on what has been written.
>  ........................................
> 4. Thank you for offering to purchase my wife's book
> "Amchi Khobor (Our News) Inside Goa" which cost only
> $5:00.  However, it is not convenient or
> cost-effective for us to package and send this book
> by post to individuals.

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