Dr Anand Virgincar wrote on Goanet

>>My comment : There has not been a single intelligent response to
date since we posted the MP interview.
 >>The hollowness of MP's detractors has been thoroughly exposed.
>>They do not even have the intellecual courage to admit that they
were wrong about a lot of things they have been propagating over the

My Rejoinder to this:

Dr Anand gets the plot horribly wrong for a variety of reasons, which
I shall try to enumerate:

1.      Manohar Parrikar is neither a God nor a Shahrukh or Akshay. Dr
Anand is wrong to presume that most of the Goanetters have rushed,
heard Parrikar speak and have been silenced by his rhetorics. It's
been 8 days since I hired a CD of a particular Hindi movie and I
haven't found the time to watch it as yet. There's a long way to go
before I even consider spending two hour plus of my time to hear
Manohar Parrikar or any Politician speak for that matter. The same
would hold true for a majority of Goanetters as well. Surely, there's
life beyond interviews.

2.      Dr Anand acts unreasonable when he expects Goanet to be some kind
of an examination hall where one has to write within a particular time
frame or slot. I am sure that, in the days to follow, Goanetters would
discuss a lot of issues and Manohar Parrikar's postures on them as and
when it suits their own convenience, not as and when Dr Anand wants
and expects them to. Surely, there's life beyond Goanet.

3.      Dr Anand's contention about Goanetters being silenced does not seem
to hold much water. If there are hardly any Goanetters critical of
Manohar Parrikar's views, there are likewise hardly any Goanetters
endorsing Parrikar's views. If Goanetters are not reacting, it's
simply because a majority haven't heard him yet. In this regard, Samir
Kelekar and Vidhyadhar Gadgil have hit the nail rightly on its head.
Yes, a transcript of the interview will certainly have more takers.

4.      Contrary to what Dr Anand has been claiming so far, the silence of
Goanetters would also conclusively prove only one thing. That there is
absolutely no kind of a visceral hatred for Manohar Parrikar or his
thoughts. If Goanetters were holding some kind of a personal grudge
against the Ex CM, they would have rushed, dissected and broken apart
the interview immediately and instantaneously as soon as the link was
placed here on this forum. As nothing of that sort has happened, it is
quite clear that the opposition to Parrikar is ideological and not

5.      I will safely assume that a figure not greater than 200 would have
heard Parrikar speak so far which is around 1 percent of the
Goanetters, assuming that Goanet has 20000 members. I may be wrong on
that count but the percentage in any case will not go beyond 5
percent.  Dr Anand should be a little more patient. We will see a lot
of posts when the percentage count goes up gradually.

6.      If this whole interview is dragging into the slow motion mode, Dr.
Anand and Rajanbab have no one except themselves to blame. I would
once again propose to Dr Anand and Rajanbab to accept the terms
stipulated by the Goanet admin team and turn this whole interview
venture into an official Goanet endeavor. Digamber Kamat's interview
can be worked out on these lines. There is an old adage that many
hands make work light. Had the Goanet team been involved into this, we
would have seen the transcript up by now. Having said this, I am also
disappointed with the Goanet Team for not getting back to me as
promised on a particular proposal I gave them offline.

7.      In conclusion, I would urge our stubborn and uncompromising
Rajanbab to learn a thing or two about *Teamwork* and try to adopt a
more flexible and all-embracing approach. Given his passion, Zeal and
dedication to a lot of Goan Causes, there is a lot more that he can do
if he starts working alongside a Team instead of trying to act like a
One-Man Army.

Cheers and good wishes
Sandeep Heble

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