Misconceptions such as those in the post appended
below are still seen among a few people, despite the
fact that tnewspaper editorials, ideological op-eds,
lobbyist  websites, internet wagers and political
pamphlets cannot and have not been able to refute the
scientific evidence and rationale for post-industrial
human activity as a major contributor of global
climate change.

For example, the political writers and talk show hosts
appear to be unaware of the independent model-free
comprehensive analysis of this issue, recently
published in the prestigious scientific journal
Physical Review Letters of the American Physical

Please see:
"Global Warming Is Driven by Anthropogenic Emissions:
A Time Series Analysis Approach" by  Pablo F. Verdes
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, c/o Institute of
Environmental Physics

This rigorous treatment of the underlying physics of
global temperature changes does not rely on any
computer models. It constitutes one more compelling
recent piece of peer-reviewed scientific support for
anthropogenic cause of global climate change. As with
the rest of the scientific evidence, no op-ed
contributor, blogger or internet debater has been able
to refute it.



--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you had taken the time to read the numerous
> sources I quoted in my post that you are responding
> to, and my other recent posts in this same
> thread, you would have been better informed, not
> only about my opinions, but that of reputable
> scientists.
> Did you know that we had a similar warming trend
> between 1900 and 1940, before human industrial
> activity really got going, as we have seen after
> 1980, and some global cooling after 1940 and not
> happening until about 1980?  I wonder if the models
> of future warming can explain these anomalies.
> .......................................
> Hey, Marlon, check this out.  Perhaps, finally,
> someone like you can join with some of your
> true-believer friends to claim this prize with all
> the information you think you have at your disposal:
> http://ultimateglobalwarmingchallenge.com/

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