Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2008 10:07:41 -0700 (PDT)
From: Marlon Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
It is true that there will continue to be some global
warming deniers, just as there continues to be a mass
of people who deny the holocaust, or those who claim
that 9/11 was a jewish conspiracy! It is a free world
afterall, and you and others are free to expouse such
Mario responds:
To begin with, there are no serious "global warming
deniers", which is a quaint notion that seems to be
stuck in your thinking, which can also be said of your
one-sided knowledge of the subject and your refusal to
read any information that challenges your closed mind
on the subject.
Since you refuse to read my sources, let me quote you
from the study reported in the following link of 528
papers written by CLIMATE scientists:
Of 528 total papers on climate change, only 38 (7%)
gave an explicit endorsement of the consensus. If one
considers "implicit" endorsement (accepting the
consensus without explicit statement), the figure
rises to 45%. However, while only 32 papers (6%)
reject the consensus outright, the largest category 
(48%) are neutral papers, refusing to either accept or
reject the hypothesis.  This is no "consensus."
[end of excerpt]
Please also read the following links before you make
more inappropriate comparisons with the holocaust and
9/11.  While you are at it check out the credentials
of the authors of the BBC and Newsweek articles
Mario Goveia wrote:
> You would have learned that I have never denied the
> fact of global warming as you falsely allege, but,
> unlike you, I am aware of the serious debate among
> CLIMATE scientists about the causes and extent of
> future global warming and whether it is likely to be
> catastrophic or beneficial.
Marlon wrote:
Really? If so, can you explain why you were actually
claiming that there was global cooling taking place.
Please refer to your own post below:
Title"Some more evidence of global cooling",
Mario responds:
Perhaps you should re-read your own link and see
exactly who said way back in 2006 that there was some
more evidence of global cooling.  You are obviously
unaware that from January 2007 to January 2008 global
temperatures dropped 0.7 C due to El Nina.  Since the
70's the rate of global warming has only been 0.014 C
per year in the face of a 4 to 6% increase in CO2
levels.  So, why all the overwrought angst and drama
that you seem to be engaged in?
While you are at it read what I said in my post this
Marlon writes:
Since when did nuclear energy become "clean" energy?
Mario responds:
Oh, only since nuclear power plants were developed -
when compared to coal fired power plants which are
still the standard in most of the world.  See also:

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