Dr Santosh Helecar wrote:

> I am also not sure why
> Frederick invests his eastern pride in what is
> essentially a western concoction. Why should the rest
> of the western hemisphere be biased against 19th
> century Germany?

You're assuming it's "eastern pride" and then asking why it doesn't
work! Could we call this western arrogance? But that would be as
misleading an approach.

2008/4/28 Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  But coming back to Pravin's point, practitioners of
>  these "alternative" approaches, including those of
>  more recent methods such as faith healing and
>  therapeutic touch, use any excuse they can find to
>  avoid being subjected to genuine scientific scrutiny.
>  The most ridiculous cop out among these is the claim
>  that they treat the person as a whole, and therefore,
>  their treatments have to be custom-designed for each
>  unique


Consider clinical research. The WHO guidelines insist no
longer on randomized, double-blind, controlled trials for
traditional medicine which is free to employ study designs
based on single cases where the patient serves as his/her
control; or on a black box approach where no component
of the treatment package is isolated; or on observation which
collects findings on a treatment with or without controls....

The WHO guidelines do not insist that traditional medicine should
be evaluated within the theoretical framework of modern
medicine. They clarify that evaluation could be done within
its own theoretical framework provided the framework,
treatment protocol, findings and outcome are fully documented
for peer review. The guidelines were prepared by
an International Committee of experts with resource persons
from many developing countries including India....

Ayurveda means science of life of which medicine is
no more than a part. No wonder P. C. Ray called the interval
from 600 BC to 800 AD 'Ayurvedic period' because Ayurveda
was the cradle of not only medicine but also of
chemistry and sciences of plants and animals in India.
Unfortunately, research in Ayurveda has become identified
with herbal products to the detriment of much else that is
valuable in this ancient system of knowledge....

End of quote....
Frederick FN Noronha * Independent Journalist
http://fn.goa-india.org * Phone +91-832-2409490
Cell +91-9970157402 (sometimes out of range)
Please see http://nursing.goa-india.org
  • ... Pravin Sabnis
    • ... Santosh Helekar
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
        • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Sachin Phadte

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