--- "Frederick [FN] Noronha"
> You're assuming it's "eastern pride" and then asking
> why it doesn't work! Could we call this western
>arrogance? But that would be as misleading an

I don't understand what Frederick is trying to say
here. But I know that both pride and arrogance are
universal human traits. There is nothing western or
eastern about them. The object of pride, however, can
be whatever one chooses it to be. I try to be proud
only of genuine accomplishments of my Indian
compatriots and of humanity as a whole.

Ayurveda is something to be proud of because it is
part of our rich history, and a testament to our
pioneering pre-scientific attempts to address
ill-health and sickness. But it is disingenuous to use
political cultural relativistic arguments to exempt it
from modern scientific inquiry. 

Merit should always have precedence over blind


  • ... Pravin Sabnis
    • ... Santosh Helekar
      • ... Frederick [FN] Noronha * फ्रेडरिक नोरोन्या
        • ... Santosh Helekar
    • ... Sachin Phadte

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