Dear Edward,

Thank you for your below e-mail.  I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.   Once 
again, thank you, I enjoyed your e-mail.

Atleast, you are taking the trouble, to reply to my e-mails.

Yes, my grand-mother, would always keep telling me, when I was growing up, that 
 "Goan women should never be seen, nor heard".  

I guess, you too agree with my grand-mother.

I know, that the e-mails of all of us, concerned Goans, including you, on this 
website,  will ensure, that there is safety,  for all women and children, 
foreigners and Indians, who study, work, holiday or reside in our beautiful, 

Regards and best wishes in all your future endeavours,

> From: edward desilva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [Goanet] safety of women and children in Goa
>Hi Jane,
>   I did not say any one should look away.
>   It is your attituted towards GOAN MEN in particular that is infuriating and 
> obnoxious, that is what I said and still say.
>   Bad things are done by people throughout the world and that includes SOME 
> Goan men, if we happen to be unlucky and cross their path, we become a 
> victim. Read the below article:
>   You should not take up your mighty brush and paint ALL Goan men with the 
> same brush.
>   Secondly, I did not send you a private mail (like you did) I just raised my 
> opinion on Goanet to your posting.
>   ED.
>    As an ex-policewoman, Julie Pickford thought she knew how to deal with 
> rowdy teenagers.
>       So when she politely asked a boy to stop throwing popcorn at other 
> passengers on a tram she was confident he and the rest of his gang would 
> behave.   Nothing could have prepared her for the shocking and violent attack 
> that followed.
>   -------------
>   From: "jane gillian rodrigues" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Dear Edward,
>Thanks for your e-mail.  Sorry, I did not reply earlier, as I just
>  happened to read it.
>You actually believe, that if a Goan man rapes, murder, tortures a
>  woman, whether Indian or foreigner, all of us Goan women,  should actually
>  "look the other way", and not voice our protest?

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