--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But wait.  Who would address the question?  As you
> well know, the Goanet Admin are busy with other
> priorities:-))
> >

Dear Mario,
I suspect this discussion will not go beyond you and
I, but I thought I'd give voice to several goanetters
who have candidly admitted in private that they are
bored with Goanet.

We have Rajan Parriker doing a V. S. Naipul on us
everyday wanting to save Goa, we have Clinton trying
to save frogs, some NGO trying to save dogs, a couple
of spurious and doctored articles about the
Inquisition or conversions, and a couple of
obituaries. That's Goanet in a nutshel these days.

The moderators seem to cull everything remotely OFF
TOPIC or sexually explicit (as if the average
readership is eight years old), politically incorrect
or irrelevant to Goa. Goanet has become devoid of all
its former wit, humour and profundity.

Infact I've grown so bored that I've started
responding to posts about gall-stones. Still, I
suppose there is hope. Gillian has just told us that
all Goan women are generally found discussing Darwin's
theory of evolution interspersed with notes here and
there about the latest rachad recipe. So I await with
bated breath for the arrival of these women on Goanet
to spice things up.


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