We either need more of what is happening in Goa today, yesterday and as 
recently as over the past few years.............surely more happens than is 
permitted to be shown on Goanet, or we need to plead with the moderators to 
give a little more scope, not so many postings labelled as "inappropriate" or 
are the sensitivities of the adult moderators so that we cannot gauge what IS 
appropriate for us to read?
  If there is a cuss word or two, or if the poster has been racialist or sexist 
beyond acceptance, perhaps a form of censorship may be the way forward but I 
have had several posts not accepted by Goanet when I really could  not see 
where I had offended anyone, other than it was perceived as possibly offensive, 
but is that not just what people do in conversations, some subjects are taboo 
(or are they?), so they are not permitted beyond just mentioning them, but no 
details can be gone into.
  Some subjects do get to be a bit long in the tooth,but that is probably up to 
Goanetters to say so.  For instance if a subject has been done to death for 
over a month, or two months, or if it goes on longer than there must be someone 
who is interested in posting further on the subject.  If we have new 
subscribers, they may well bring up the subject again, as did I several times 
when first joining but was not aware of the archives ........ some more than 2 
to 5 years old, since then many more people have joined but the subjects may 
not be mentioned again, because it was done to death a year or so ago.
  But why cant we repeat some advice to the newcomers or allow the newcomers to 
bring forth a fresh look on an old subject, then the older Goanetters can give 
sage advice.
  In the meantime, I will only  be taking note of recipes only, unless there 
are any fresh subjects or old subjects with 21 century resolutions to 
  Having said this, perhaps I may well visit other sites of interest to me, for 
Goans & people of non-PIO but are interested in all things Goan.  I may be 
enlightened further. Its a shame that I feel there is 'no point' anymore in 
reading any of the posts, I delete 90% these days, when a year ago I read every 
post, then 6 months ago started reading only my "top 10" posters or if there 
was a newcomer / disguised former reject from Goanet or anyone other than the 
usual posters, I now have only a "Top 5"........... the others are no longer 
interesting for me, its the same old, same old............ having culled 5 of 
the "Top 5", there is very little now for me to do other than find something 
else, what is happening with Goans in the UK / Canada / USA / other "western 
countries"............ why / who / when / etc is also of interest to me.
  The Gulf Goans have their sites where their interests lie........ either with 
Goans back home or their own segregated life-style, not wanting to participate 
with the rest of the world.  Goa has had a very bad press lately, not just in 
rapes, drugs, murder etc, this has been going on for decades but it took one 
courageous mother to make the whole world sit up, watch and listen.
  How about these recipes then?  Looking forward to trying them out. I have a 
good mind to send in recipes myself to spice up the humdrum lives of our admin 
  John Monteiro

Mario Goveia wrote:

> But wait. Who would address the question? As you well know, the Goanet Admin 
> are busy with other priorities:-))

Dear Mario, I suspect this discussion will not go beyond you and I, but I 
thought I'd give voice to several goanetters who have candidly admitted in 
private that they are bored with Goanet.

 The moderators seem to cull everything remotely OFF TOPIC or sexually explicit 
(as if the average readership is eight years old), politically incorrect or 
irrelevant to Goa. Goanet has become devoid of all its former wit, humour and 
profundit...........So I await with
bated breath for the arrival of these women on Goanet to spice things 

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