From: "Mario Goveia" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am stating again that the Cardinal did not say what
is being quoted, he means exactly the contrary.

God is not to be treated as an object of science, but
as a mystery, as a living reality that exists and can
be experienced.
***I was reacting to the misinterpretation, namely that the Cardinal said
that we cannot know God, since God cannot be object of empirical verification. God is a reality that lives 'hidden' in the world, he was revealed in the Gospels.
Our duty is to proclaim him in our weakness.
The point is that the word "mystery" has been distorted.
We cannot know God as we can know the phenomenal world. We experience him,
we cannot comprehend him totally with our knowledge.
The full context shows us what the Cardinal means. This is important while commenting on the message of the Cardinal. Otherwise, the full message is distorted. It will have no meaning to speak about "respecting the atheists"... It is in that sense that I said that the Cardinal means quite different from what was quoted by Dr.Santosh in the 'atheistic' sense (as it can be seen from his explanation). He means exactly the contrary. You yourself said that Dr.Santosh took it in the 'atheistic' sense (though he states that he never called the Cardinal 'atheist'. The point is that the interpretation given by Dr.Santosh is wrong. It is not what the Cardinal meant. He went on quoting all texts on this point to show it)...

<<Cardinal meant "EXACTLY THE CONTRARY" of what he
***I did not say it... This is your distortion.
What follows and has been quoted by you above indicates it clearly.

Santosh has one context, the atheistic one, which
demands scientific proof where there is none, IN THE
***This is precisely what I am saying: the Cardinal says just the contrary.
There is no scientific proof for God, but there is a presence of God
which we embrace by faith and love. The context should be sought in the full speech and in the sources of the speech, which he mentions: the Gospels and the Christian Tradition. To my mind the three postings which I have commented upon, are distorting the speech of the Cardinal. I wonder how you can call "boring" the write-ups on these topics (you are certainly referring to my postings),
when everyday there are so many
useless and tasteless postings in this Forum. You state that we should respect other people, so you should learn to respect also the people who are writing on these topics. The theme of the Cardinal's speech has come on witnessing our Christian Faith. You also say that we should "be more like Christ". Discussing on these topics does not contradict our efforts
of  living the presence of God. Then is your life meaningful without Christ?
Are you respecting others? Your posting is a sample of what is often going on in the Goanet Forum.
The whole write-up is a mockery...
This is for your reflection...

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