Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 01:54:36 +0530
From: "Fr. Ivo C da Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am stating again that the Cardinal did not say what
is being quoted, he means exactly the contrary. 
God is not to be treated as an object of science, but
as a mystery, as a living reality that exists and can
be experienced.
I have not interpreted wrongly the statements of
Dr.Santosh, but have rejected his statements,
which are being taken outside the context, for they do
not give us the thought of the Cardinal. It is not
what the Cardinal is saying in the lecture. The
Cardinal rejects the wrong approach to the "mystery of
God", of a living God, and shows the right approach to
Mario observes:
And Selma and Roland were recently seen to be
complaining that Goanet is getting boring!:-))  This
is the corner of the cyber-forum that I usually avoid
unless something going on tickles my funny bone and
creates some opportunity for mischief,, I mean,
But here we have it, on our Goanet cyber-forum, for
everyone to read - AND GO CRAZY.  Of course, it must
be read in the proper context, which is that the
Cardinal meant "EXACTLY THE CONTRARY" of what he
said:-)).  Hanh???!!!
And here I thought that all the Cardinal said was for
the religious to respect those who are not.
Because they know not what they do:-))  Just kidding,
Kevin, but he was reported to have said you all had a
hidden God lurking somewhere in your psyches:-))
"EXACTLY THE CONTRARY"?  Is your head spinning yet?
Imagine what one can do in any debate when one can
claim that someone meant "EXACTLY THE CONTRARY" of
what they said.  The mind boggles.
I'm wondering - is the mindless destruction going on
of the Goan countryside and environment also "EXACTLY
THE CONTRARY" of what is actually going on, depending
on the proper context of course, as stated by the
developers?  Which is why we need local zoning laws,
folks, to put the RIGHT context on plans for
development - that of the local residents.  But that
is a different topic:-))
Santosh has one context, the atheistic one, which
demands scientific proof where there is none, IN THE
PROPER CONTEXT, which Fr. Ivo seeks to provide from
his perspective of ultimate and blind faith without
which his whole life has no meaning.
AND NEVER THE TWAIN CAN MEET because they are like two
ships, not just passing in the night, but one heading
south in the Atlantic and the other heading north in
the Pacific:-))
I think the Cardinal should have just said, "Let's be
more like Christ, and respect each other, regardless
of what we believe."
What's the hurry?  We'll all find out who was right
soon enough:-))

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