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                      5th Annual Konkan Fruit Fest
               Promenade, D B Bandodkar Road, Panaji, Goa

                            16-18, May 2008


GT Weekender May 18 2008
>From the Sidelines
by Simon Alphonso
Why doesnÂ’t AICF settle the matter on BarveÂ’s

A segment of chess officials are hell bent on stopping
Shrikant Barve from running the Taleigao Chess
Academy. They are going about performing their
villainous role of destructionby clipping off branches
of an enormous tree that the Academy has grown to be.
Their unjustified actions deserve contempt. The
beleaguered CEO of the Academy is thus fighting a grim
battle with the powers within the Association. A
result of his outspokenness. The fact of the matter is
that unless and until Barve apologises to his bosses,
they will continue their tirade against him to its
illogical conclusion.

No notice, no inquiry panel
LetÂ’s get to the base of the problem. After All India
Chess Federation (AICF) announced its coaching scheme,
Barve posted his comments on net criticising the poor
payment structure for coaches. The state association
took exception to his comments and called for a
special meeting of members. Unable to arrive at a
decision, they left it over to AICF to decide on the
issue. In the meantime the Association members tried
to hit out at Barve using officials from outside the
state, including Praful Zaveri, A FIDE arbiter from
Mumbai. When the executive committee of AICF met in
Chennai during the last week of March they announced
the resolution to suspend Barve froll all activities
of Federation and its affiliates pending inquiry into
his comments. But even after a month and a half, they
are yet to issue a suspension notice. ThatÂ’s not all,
as decided they are yet to appoint any member/panel to
conduct inquiry. AICF said it was a ‘serious’ issue,
so why donÂ’t they rake it seriously and probe into the

Influencing media managements
What perturbs me most is the conduct of some
Association members, who are trying to use their clout
to influence the media managements to stop
entertaining Barve. ItÂ’s a cheap way of going about. I
donÂ’t think any action of the media has ever closed
the door on them to counter Barve. If these members
are serious in condemning Barve they ought to go
through proper channel, rather than try to stab him
from the back. It causes a doubt whether Barve was
justified in his way. In his say sometimes this
particular thought flashes across: it is actually the
fear in his abhorrers that their wards would have more
worth challengers if Barve is allowed to function
normally which is making them go hammer and the tongs
at the non-recognized coach.

They donÂ’t require better facilities!
One Mr. Pinge, an arbiter, approached me to clarify
certain remarks made by Barve. DidnÂ’t we oblige him?
On the contrary, I spared him from making certain
observations after he appeared nonplussed when I poses
him certain questions. “ We’re all professionals, some
teachers, doctors(et al) and have no time for training
children” Was Pinge’s immediate answer. When asked why
those involved in chess activities are not conducting 
classes themselves by undergoing different level of
FIDE courses as it would put a natural end to BarveÂ’s
non-recongnised coaching, if that is what they want.
To the use of electronic clocks as advocated by Barve,
Pinge again tried to find fault with his comment in
this context. But when reminded that use of latest
gadgets would certainly benefit young Goan players, he
seemed lost for an answer. This explains that when
somebody urges for better facilities, officials like
Pinge are ever ready to denounce their ideas. It
doesnÂ’t make any sense at all. Do we require better
facilities or not?

Plea to Mr. Pinge
Now this same Pinge is believed to have taken
centre-stage of not only preventing Barve from
entering the venue of under-9 Nationals held in New
Delhi early this month, but also from giving tips to
his pupil, Gauri Hadkonkar – she finished 12th in the
competition- at the residential quarters. Pinge may be
justified in informing Bharat Singh Chauhan, the AICF
treasurer of BarveÂ’s presence. In the same vein, I
would ask Pinge to urge the Federation to issue the
suspension notice to Barve, which is the proper way of
communicating any punishment meted out to a person for
any wrongdoing and also to start the inquiry


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