Dear Mr. Editor,
Somewhere a year ago, workers on contract with the Electricity Dept., 
trespassed into my compound and dug a deep hole, presumably to erect an 
electric pole. I had to go the Electricity Dept. and file a written complaint 
to The Jr. Engineer and the Exec. Engineer and also discuss personally in 
respect of the criminal trespass. I had to employ a labourer to fill up the 
hole. A few months back the PWD contractor dug two meters into my property at 
the corner, to make a concrete roadside gutter. I had to spend a day and a half 
to show them the plans, measure the site and confirm that it was trespass into 
my property. Although admitted, the concerned engineer instead of apologising 
had the audacity to tell me that the Government could acquire it and that I 
would get peanuts for it. 
Recently the PWD is constructing a footpath right below the balcony of our more 
than 3 decades old building, to which I have filed objections. Once completed, 
it will seem that I have illegally put up a balcony above the road. Can the 
government Departments trespass into private property and do illegal work? And 
when objected to, harass owners by summoning them to the Department to produce 
valid documents, thereby wasting time and money of the 'aam admi'? Is it not 
the prerequisite of the Department / person undertaking a construction of a 
permanent structure to have his/their documents validated, have NOCs from the 
owners concerned, before being permitted to start a job?  Is this Governance? 
Or is it Kleptocracy or Incompetency?
Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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