--- "GBA office" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   16th April, 2008.
 Dear Charles,
 You will recall that GBA representatives walked out of the task force meeting 
held on the 14th because of the issue of the news item appearing in the press 
about minutes of meetings were not being circulated to the members of the Task 
force and the accusation against Ms Ritu Prasad that she had leaked out 
information from the Task Force to the Press on this subject. The fact that 
aspersions were cast upon the integrity of a member of the Task Force was most 
unfortunate, in view of the spirit of camaraderie with which the Task Force has 
functioned so far.
 I would like to express the dissatisfaction of the GBA at this unfortunate 
incident and I have been requested to convey this message to the Task Force, 
which I hope will be taken in the right spirit. The GBA has been co-operating 
fully with the Task Force with inputs on various issues, as the endeavour is to 
formulate a model Regional Plan, without harping on the many minor issues and 
irritants which might have cropped up.
 Further, as Convenor of the GBA, which is an organisation representing the 
people, I am required to be transparent about the proceedings and progress of 
the Task Force.  Hence in order to avoid any speculations in the media, and in 
the interest of transparency, it would be advisable for the Task
 Force to circulate minutes of the meetings to the members and address the 
Press regularly.  I really do not see any reason for the inordinate delay in 
circulating minutes of the meeting to the members of the Task Force.
 With regards,
 (Oscar Rebello)
 Arch. Charles Correia,
 Task Force.

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