Mario Goveia wrote to Paulo:

[1] Goa was forcibly and illegitimately colonized in the early 1500's,
[2] India simply grabbed back in 1961 territory that had been grabbed
in the early 1500s.
[3] That's the way the world works.  If you cannot defend territory
that you hold, you have to move on.


jc's comment:

For once, I agree with Mario Goveia in at least 97.67% -  of what he
has written above.

The only word (1 out of 43) I disagree with is "back".

I submit that you can grab ....... but NOT grab BACK anything you did
not possess ...... in the first place.

If Goa belonged to the India which existed in the 1500s - Goa and its
wealth should be divided among India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka
and Burma. In that case would be the real Grab Back. As it is remains a Grab.

Out of fairness doubt ...Mario would suggest that India returns
the Andaman Islands to whoever it was forcibly and illegitimately
colonized from by those Brits.

But, Mario does make a pragmatic closing (as quoted above) remark. In
light of his and his amigos contemporary logik ani confusao, he
correctly says: "if You cannot defend it lose".

That is what Rajan Parrikar's  'bhaille" are doing now. They are
saying (effectively) in Marioesque fashion - If you cannot defend the
hills and fields or even your houses ....tough. We gone with it.
That's the way the world works.

That is also the way the Commie world worked. Perhaps the reason
Gadgil is supporting it. Strange though that Mario would be supporting
the Commie line of thought.

No wonder, Selma gone to live in a gated community, even though Cornel
said Hey ....I ain't see no gate? Where der Gate is? This ain't no
Gated community.

Oh BTW: Your Rice Curry was good but I was looking for some dessert.

Excuse Moi!

juss me


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