-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mario Goveia
Sent: 24 June 2008 16:05
To: goanet@lists.goanet.org
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Was Goa liberated or Conquered ?

1) Mario wrote:
Secondly, Paulo doesn't seem to realize that Goa was
forcibly and illegitimately colonized in the early
1500's, when many European countries did the same
thing, but that the beginning of the end of the era of
colonization had started in 1947, the much more
powerful Brits and French had left, perhaps 
reluctantly but somewhat graciously, and the far
weaker Portuguese were clinging to a sophistry that
made sense only to them, that Goa was an overseas
province of Portugal.

Paulo's response:
Mario must not understand English.
I believe I made it very clear that we are all aware that Goa was colonized
by Portugal and the Portuguese were our conquerors. There is no denying that

2) Mario wrote:
India simply grabbed back in 1961 territory that had
been grabbed in the early 1500s.  That's the way the
world works.  If you cannot defend territory that you
hold, you have to move on.

Paulo's response: 
Your sentence would be correct if you omit the word "back", ie, India
grabbed in 1961 territory that had been grabbed in the early 1500s (from the
Please do not use the word "back" because I do not think I need to explain
to you that India as a country did not exist before 1947. Do not join the
group of ignorant people that claim that Goa always belonged to India. That
is completely nonsense. Goa belonged to the Indian subcontinent, not to the
newly created country called India (1947). 

Allow me to point out the differences between early 1500s to 1961.
A) Four and a half centuries apart.
B) India did recognize the existence of a neighbouring country called
C) India did have a consulate of India in Goa.
D) Both India and Portugal were both members of the UN in 1961.
E) Of course conquests and land grabbing do not make any sense if the UN

3) Mario wrote:
A democratically elected government in Portugal would
have made little difference because Portugal was in no
position to militarily defend Goa against India in
1947.  In fact, a democratically elected government in
Portugal may have been far more gracious and civilized
and withdrawn on its own.

Paulo's response:
Yes, and by withdrawing on its own it would have probably granted
independence to Goa or at least hear the requests and the wishes of the Goan
people. It would probably also have allowed a plebiscite.

4) Mario wrote:
This is like saying, "despite protests by Brit
expatriates and Anglo-Indians, the Brits gave up

Paulo's response:
The Brits gave independence to British India. The Brits gave independence to
the entity that they themselves created.
In the same way, Goans should have expected the Portuguese to give
independence to Portuguese India or at least be liberated from the
Portuguese by India and given the option to decide their own future
democratically. Got it? Did you understand the difference?

5) Mario wrote:
Kuwait was a sovereign country before it was invaded
by Iraq, not an illegal and obsolete colony of some
second rate European country.

Paulo's response:
Check your facts. The sovereignty of Portugal over Portuguese India was
recognised by the entire world, including the UN Organisation and the Indian
Union since 1947 until at least 1953 because the Indian Union even had a
general consulate of India in Goa! Your claim that it was an illegal colony
is wrong and does not have a legal stand.

6) Mario wrote:
Anyway, I'm glad to see that Paulo acknowledges the
notion of "freedom fighters" which suggests that Goa
was not free, which it obviously was not.  Anyone who
crossed the Portuguese colonists found that out in a

Paulo's response:
Of course it was not free. And it is still not free!
I am glad that more and more people start realising that, including
celebrities like Wendell Rodricks.
Only some of us abroad refuse to accept it.

7) Mario wrote:
I wonder if Paulo is confusing Goan Christians with

Paulo's response:
No Mario, I am not confusing Goan Christians with Goans.
I am well aware that Christians have always been a minority.
Mario, have you been to Goa recently?
Maybe you are the only one that has not noticed that Goans (regardless of
their religion) are becoming a minority in Goa. For starters, check who
speaks Konkani. But that should not be the only factor because many of the
emigrants are learning Konkani to pass as Goans. But everyone (except you)
is aware that we are becoming a minority in our motherland. You seem to be
living in cuculand if you have not realised this. Everyone is talking about
it. If you are not convinced, I give up. As I said before to you on another
thread, please take your bike. You won it and you deserve it.

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