Gawada, Kunbi, Velip & Dhangar Federation (GAKUVED) express shock on the charge 
in the statement issued by the Hon'ble Opposition Leader Shri Manohar Parrikar 
against our Co-ordinator of 'Mand' Shri Sebastian Rodrigues. GAKUVED strongly 
condemn and denies the charge levied on our O-odinator as naxalite.

In fact Shri Sebastian Rodrigues is working with and helping GAKUVED for the 
last four year in their activities. GAKUVED has formed a unit called 'MAND' - 
An Adivasi-rights Resource Centre and Shri Sebastian Rodrigues is the 
Co-ordinator of the same. Because the News Agencies in Goa do not take any 
interest in publishing our news there was a need for us to go for other media 
and GAKUVED has formed the blog of its own 
where all the information about day to day activities carried by GAKUVED is 
posted for the information of general public.

GAKUVED's local unit in Rivona Panchayat in Sanguem Taluka based at Colomb is 
involved in safeguarding and protecting their agricultural and plantation land 
which is threatened by mining companies. Out of total village land of 1929 
hectares, 1510 hectares is under 23 mining leases granted during Colonial 
Portuguese regime that ended in 1961 and continued by the free Indian State. 
The villagers are fighting for their survival and GAKUVED is supporting their 
struggle over past one year. As a Co-ordinator of MAND some times Shri 
Sebastian Rodrigues visits the mining areas at the request of the local 
villagers during their protest against the illegal mining (all the mining 
activities in Goa are illegal) and prepares the report with photographs and 
publishes it on the blog. Shri Sebastian Rodrigues is never involved in any 
naxalite activities and members of GAKUVED always remained with him. GAKUVED 
never noticed Shri Sebastian Rodrigues involved in any naxal activities. It is 
only Mr. Manohar Parrikar's daydreaming at the instance of mining companies. In 
fact it is the mining companies that are involved in terrorising the villagers 
by employing goons and Mr. Parrikar overlooking the activities of the mining 

Mr. Manohar Parrikar has never helped and supported the GAKUVED Community. He 
has only used this community as vote bank to secure his position in Power. In 
2000, when Mr. Parrikar was leading the State Government, GAKUVED has arranged 
a Morcha on 01-03-2000 to demand inclusion of their name in Central list of ST. 
On 02-03-2000 the delegates of GAKUVED tried to meet Shri Parrikar at Farmagudi 
to give him the Memorandum, Shri Parrikar expressed, "Bhausaheban mhaka trasan 
udoilo, vadea vadeani shala kadleo ani." (Dayanand Bandodkar, the first Chief 
Minister of Goa has put me in trouble, for he opened primary schools in 
different wards of villages providing education). What Shri Parrikar wanted to 
tell the delegates, readers you judge.

When GAKUVED was struggling to get this community included in the Central List 
of Scheduled Tribes his government with the help of some of our community 
members had tried to delete the names of GAKUVED community from the list. When 
the list was published in Times of India, the GAKUVED members rushed to New 
Delhi and met Secretary, Tribal Welfare where it was informed that at the 
instruction of the local BJP government the list have been changed. Then 
GAKUVED had filed Writ in the Parliament through the then MP Shri Ramakant 
Angle to include names of GAKUVED community in the Central List. Unfortunately 
Dhangar community was excluded from the list due to the politics of BJP 

In 2003 delegates of GAKUVED met him in his Chamber to inquire about 
implementation of Tribal Act in the State of Goa. Mr. Parrikar remarked, "Mhaka 
tumche Gaudea lokancho abhiman dista. Madkai majea mamalea Bhatant tumche gaude 
lok sogle kam sanginastana kartat and magir Mapusa majea bhatant yeun moino 
bhor kam kortat." (I am proud of Gawada community. They work in my uncle's 
plantation at Marcaim and after finishing that work, they work in my plantation 
at Mapusa without my knowledge for one month). By this remark Mr. Parrikar just 
wanted to tell that you are good in doing manual work in plantations and must 
continue doing that without taking education and Mr. Parrikar will continue to 
enjoy the fruits of free labour for eternity.

This he has proved during his reign as CM by raising tution fees in all the 
professional colleges and made it economically beyond reach for the general 
members of the GAKUVED and other backward class to take admissions in 
professional colleges. Because the general members of the GAKUVED and OBC 
cannot think of the fees when they are half fed.

In another incident as CM, Mr. Parrikar has manipulated Population Survey of ST 
community getting drastically reduced figures of Gawadas, Kunbis & Velips as 
12% of Goa's population. At the time of conducting population survey, GAKUVED 
members had objected for the way survey was conducted.

GAKUVED questions Mr. Parrikar: has he ever met the affected tribal people who 
are struggling to protect their livelihood? Has he ever shown them sympathy and 
expressed his Solidarity? The villagers of Colomb cannot think any other 
activity then to safeguard their livelihood, preserve their agriculture, 
plantations and their village. We know it is not Mr. Parrikar who is charging 
the villagers as naxalites but behind him is strong mining lobby.

The mining lobby has tried to break the unity of the Colomb villagers by 
applying all the means. The mining lobby has even tried their means to dissuade 
GAKUVED from helping and supporting the Colomb villagers by offering unexpected 
perquisites but failed in all the ways. And, therefore, they have brought Mr. 
Parrikar to make allegations against our Co-ordinator Shri Sebastian Rodrigues 
as naxalite and to penalize and crush our movement. But GAKUVED warns mining 
lobby that this effort also will be failure because neither GAKUVED nor Shri 
Sebastian Rodrigues is involved in any such activities. GAKUVED has started the 
movement within the framework of the Constitution. GAKUVED has always respected 
the Constitution and prevailing laws and will work within the framework of the 

GAKUVED will always remain steadfast in its support to people fighting Land and 
Mining issues at all cost without paying heed to either fascist Mr. Manohar 
Parrikar or terrorist mining industry in Goa.

Pandurang Kukalkar

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