Dear George,
The GBA was set up with a three point charter as recorded in the Memorandum to 
the Governor of Goa, signed by over 6,500 people in Goa at the first public 
meeting on 18 Decembe, 2008, at Azad Maidan, Panaji and submitted to the 
Governor with copies to the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary for record.
The three points are
1. Revocation of the Regional Plan 2011.
2. Involvement of the people of Goa in the planning process and
3. Reformulation of a new Regional Plan through a participatory process.
There was no law available to REVOKE the Regional Plan when notified. Through 
the effort of the people of Goa, inspired and led by the GBA, the law was 
legislated and the RPG 2011 was revoked. In theory you say. So be it. The 
correct terminology, I believe is "de jure" .
Right now, one cannot construct on the Betim hill, the Baga Calangute hill, at 
Quitol-Canaguinim, etc. In the last 18 months, these places would have been 
converted  .....and there would be an International Cricket Stadium in Tivim! 
[Remember the Fatorday stadium was started and completed in less than 8 
months.] This is not a GBA success. It is the success of the people of Goa, 
inspired and led by GBA. Don't ask me, ask the people in Tivim, Quitol, Baga, 
Go to Verna SEZ or Keri-Ponda SEZ and ask them what they feel about GBA's 
involvement in SVM. Ask them who inspired and led the people to stop the SEZ 
construction labour and machinery at the two sites.
Go to Colomb-Quepem and ask the villagers what they felt when the GBA team came 
there on 26 March, 2008 or 05 June, 2008 when they were under pressure.
Do not take offence to the fact that i requested you not to send money to the 
GBA when you offered. It is not because we do not want YOUR money. It was 
because we did not need MONEY then and we do not need money at the moment. 
People had already contributed money, and there is money to spare because we 
all work for free. We love Goa as much as you do ...and a little bit more 
because we live here. As I wrote then, I write now, When we need money we will 
ask. The war is far from over. it may not even end in our generation. 
What is happening in the Gram Sabha meetings across Goa was triggered by the 
empowering of the people through the GBA for the 26 January, 2007, resolution 
against the RPG 2011. When the people realised that their resolutions in their 
villages shook the Goa Government that was preparing for elections, they 
realised that the Sarpanch was a small fly on the wall. That is the miracle 
that keeps repeating. The GBA inspires. It cannot do everything. It is done on 
voluntary basis. We are not gods. We know our limitiations ....and the infinite 
power of T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More. 
Yesterday, Oscar Rebelo thought he was "Pele". Tomorrow he will realise the 
value of the T.E.A.M. of which he was the star player with the Media persons as 
his cheerleaders. He was their darling. The operative word is "WAS". What is 
the Palm Sunday Donkey [PSD] worth without Jesus on its back. The PSD was not 
crucified, Jesus was. The PSD is remembered by a few on Palm Sunday. Jesus has 
more than a billion followers 2000 years after his death ..... because of 
resurrection. Yesterday was a partial solar eclipse in Goa. The place darkened 
a little bit more because of Oscar. Today is another day ....bright and 
beautiful. There is a presentation o on the TCP [Amendmant] Act, 2008. The 
people of Goa will get it revoked ...through their Gram Sabha resolutions, 
village by village. The process began last Sunday. Ten more villages have their 
Gram Sabha meetings on the 03 Aug. They will move and pass the resolutions. The 
GBA inspires and leads. The people do.
 The people win. That is all that matters. Doesn't it? Is it not what Goa 
Sudharop works for?
3.RE-RORMULATION of the RPG 2021
Amidst criticism of "kissing ass", the GBA stood by its written commitment to 
the people of Goa .... specially to the 6,500-plus signatories to the 18 
December, 2006, Memorandum to the Government .... and participated in the Task 
Force on RPG 2021 when it was constituted on 04 October, 2007, to frame the 
GUIDELINES for the TCP to prepare the RPG 2021. On 26 February, 2008, the Goa 
government changed the Goal posts and made the mandate of the Task Force to 
PREPARE  the RPG 2021. Opinion was divided. Most of us disagreed with the 
changed mandate. Architect Ritu Prasad informed the Task Force that the GBA 
does not agree with the changed mandate. Dr. Oscar told them the GBA agreed 
...when that was NOT the Truth. Ritu bore the snub in silence for the sake of 
the cause and unity. We discussed it in the GBA. We did not make an issue out 
of it outside the GBA as it would affect the credibility of Oscar. Apparently, 
he does not care for it himself.
The Goa Government then shifted the goalposts again. With the connivance of the 
Opposition parties, it passed the Goa TCP [Amendment] Act, 2008 putting the 
Governemt "projects" [meaning literally anything from roads and airports to 
hotels and housing] beyond the purview of the RPG 2021. The Planning is now 
only for PRIVATE individuals and Companies, firms, partnerships and societies 
... NOT for the Government!
The latest shift of the goal[posts is Prof Edgar Ribeiro, Advisor to the Govt 
on TCP, wanting to push his 2-lane highway ....... with PEOPLE doing BOTTOM- TO 
- TOP socio-economic planning and GOVERNMENT doing the TOP- TO - BOTTOM 
"spatial" planning or LAND USE decisions ...... through the GBA. We are not 
some dumbos wasting time at GBA meetings as Oscar may like to think of us. I am 
no SAFFRONITE as even Rajan Parrikar .. leave alone Manohar Parrikar ... will 
certify. I am no dumb Congress bootlicker either. Most of us in the GBA are 
honest to God Goans:first, always and everytime!
You can go looking for torn down buildings as some go looking for torn hymen to 
certify the virginity of the bride on the morning after. Sports women generally 
do not have such a tissue to show. By George!  Do you still doubt the 
credentials of the GBA after all the action in Goa?? If YES, then you can find 
another cause to eSPOUSE! ;-) The GBA is on course. Individuals do not matter 
if they are not a part of the T.E.A.M.
Mog asundi.

Date: Fri, 1 Aug 2008 12:30:25 -0700 (PDT)
From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goa Bachao Abhiyan is far from over

Dear Miguel

For the benefit of those who are not aware of the GBA's successes, can you list 
some of the land conversions/mega projects the GBA has stopped or reversed or 
had torn down since the 2011 Regional Plan was revoked (in theory). It is 
useful for all to be aware of the facts and GBA's accomplishments. 


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