PANAJI — Dr Oscar Rebello, the convenor of Goa Bachao Abhiyaan, along
with two other functionaries (Ms Patricia Pinto and Ms Ritu Prasad) on
Friday quit from their posts following differences with other
functionaries of the GBA over some issues, including giving suggestions
as regards to bottom up process in preparation of the plan.

Following their resignations from the posts in GBA, all three would
cease to be the members of the task force appointed by the government to
prepare the regional plan 2021 as they were the nominees of the GBA and
that their resignations could have wide ranging repercussions in the
completion of the RP 2021 within stipulated time frame.

Dr Rebello told ‘The Navhind Times’ in an exclusive interview that he
and his colleagues who were working with the task force preferred to
resign as they could not articulate the “agenda” of certain force within
the GBA with regards to 73rd and 74th amendments to the Constitution.

“I thought that it would be wise to let someone else to carry forward
their views and put it before the task force,” he said.

He said that many issues were involved in the preparation of the
regional plan and environment was not the only issue there in. He went
on to add that while preparing the plan many issues, including
socio-economic and developmental, have to be taken into consideration
before arriving at any decision and then move forward.

He said the task Force was waiting for the recommendations of the GBA as
regards to their concept on the implementation of 73rd and 74th
amendments to the Constitution to carry forward the process of
finalising the RP-2021. He sad that views put forward by him were not
acceptable to some in the GBA not did they suggest alternatives as such
the plan was held up.

Denying that he ever had any dream of stepping into electoral politics,
Dr Rebello also said that perhaps some people in GBA felt that he was
getting too much publicity, which they thought could be used by him in
starting his political career, and perhaps wanted to prevent him from
getting any further publicity, as such their opposition to his ideas as
regards to regional plan.

He said that opposition to him and others of the GBA on the task force
was brewing for sometime over the concept of 73rd and 74th and reached a
boiling point when some members of the GBA personally abused us on the
Internet prompting us to quit our posts. He further said that there was
serious division of opinion among the GBA members and that the same has
reached a point where there could not be reconciliation.

Replying to a question on whether Goa agenda would be affected following
the resignations of three core members of the GBA, he said that Goa
agenda would never fail as he has faith in Goans, who he said would
fight and get what was their due. He also said that failure to make
suggestions as regards to 73rd and 74th amendments was a collective

Asked how Goa agenda would be carried forward, he replied that every
Goan must respect the rules and laws in letter and spirit and if that
were followed everything would fall in line automatically. He went on to
add that whenever there was a conflict between people and
administration, the government must play the role of an honest broker to
diffuse the situation and resolve the matter. He further said that if
government starts playing dirty then automatically the issues would
never get resolved.

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