From: "Santosh Helekar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
As you can see, the procedure described below is clearly not a scientific procedure of any kind.
***I am giving here the report of the Eucharistic miracle. We believe in the real presence of the Risen Lord in the Eucharist under the species of bread and wine. Christian faith is not based on miracles. The miracle confirms it. What would be Dr.Santosh's scientific procedure? "For my neuroscience this can never happen!"... This is laughable! Let us humbly accept the reality. We know how much we do not know!

The Eucharistic Miracles

The first Eucharistic miracle took place in the Naju Parish Church on 5th June 1988 during Mass when Julia Kim received Holy Communion and the Sacred Host turned into flesh and blood in her mouth. Since then, she has experienced this miracle on many occasions, both in Naju and abroad. It has been witnessed by many people, including priests, the Pope's representatives and even the Holy Father himself when Julia visited the Vatican in October 1995. During a private Mass celebrated by the Holy Father, Julia received Holy Communion and the Eucharistic miracle occurred again, for the twelfth time. The Sacred Host turned to flesh and blood on Julia's tongue. The newsletter, Mary's Touch, reported, "Immediately after the Mass, the Holy Father, came to Julia and witnessed this miracle. His Holiness blessed Julia and her companions. "On 17th September 1996, a Eucharistic miracle took place in the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Sibu, Sarawak (Malaysia), when Julia Kim, together with about 3,000 people, were present for Mass concelebrated by Bishop Dominic Su, Mgr William Bos, Fr Tom Connors, Fr Francis Su, Fr Jacob Ong and Fr Paul Chee. During the homily, Bishop Su emphasised the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist and the healing power of the Eucharistic Lord. When Julia Kim received Holy Communion a short while later, the Sacred Host on her tongue turned into flesh and blood in the shape of a heart. Many people witnessed this miracle and, as on previous occasions, photographs were taken. A few minutes later, Julia consumed the flesh. In his testimony, Bishop Su said,"Our Lord performed this miracle in order to confirm our faith in his Real Presence in the Eucharist. To him be the glory and praise for ever and ever!"

Other miraculous signs that have occurred in Naju include a vision in July 1995 during a service to celebrate the anniversary of the first time Our Lady's statue shed tears. Julia saw the wooden figure of Jesus on the cross turn to flesh and bleed at seven places on his body. The seven wounds then turned into white round hosts which floated down to rest on the altar before Our Lady's statue. When Julia consumed one of the sacred Hosts later, it turned into flesh and blood. The two priests celebrating Mass, dipped their fingers in the blood, showed this to the people and wiped their fingers on a piece of white cloth, which is preserved in the chapel at Naju. All these signs and wonders have touched many people and a committee has been formed to investigate and examine the evidence. The Church in Naju hopes that the revelations there will be officially approved by the Pope, and the Church and the whole world will be renewed by the mercy of God through our Blessed Mother.

From the Nunciature

The Apostolic Pro-Nuncio in Korea, Most Rev Giovanni Bulaitis, wrote to Bishop Dominic Su, "It has come to my knowledge, the wonderful manifestation of the Holy Eucharist which took place in your presence last September.

This Nunciature is gathering material relating to events involving Julia and I should be most grateful if you could share with me the experience with a documentation, witness-reports and photographs.

As you may know, I myself assisted at a marvelous presence of the Eucharist in November 1994"(Page 50, The Holy Eucharist and the Blessed Mother. Publisher:Sacred Heart's Audio visual Centre, PB-495, 96007, Sibu, Malaysia)

Bishop's report

In response to this letter, Bishop Dominic Su wrote, "Thank you for your letter, dated 1st November, 1996.

I was caught totally unprepared when this extraordinary Eucharistic phenomenon occurred in our Sacred Heart Cathedral, Sibu on 17th September, 1996 during our Eucharistic celebration from 7.30 p.m. to 9.30 p.m.

When I think over it now, I can see that it was good for me to be caught unprepared. Had I expected before hand that this mysterious incident would happen, I would have got a pyx ready to get this "flesh" and "blood" from the mouth of Mrs. Julia Kim for laboratory analysis. This would show that my faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist would have to depend on scientific proof. What Jesus wants from us is our child-like faith in Him and not an intellectual type of faith based on science and reasonings. That is why some Catholics, including a few priests, no longer believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.... In my humble opinion and judgment, I would consider this extraordinary Eucharistic phenomenon as an Eucharistic "miracle". I enclose here 3 photos which were taken during the incident. Let the Name of Lord Jesus be praised forever and ever!"(Page 51, 52,Ibid)

Julia speaks

Julia Kim herself told about what happened in Sibu. "I attended the 7.30 p.m. Mass at the Cathedral at Sibu, Malaysia. When I received Holy Communion and also when I was in meditation in my seat after communion, I smelled a strong odour of wine. The man next to me also smelled the same odour. The Sacred Host that I received turned into visible blood and flesh, and this was witnessed by Fr. Francis Su, who gave me Communion, His Excellency Dominic Su, who was the main celebrant of the Mass, other priests and lay people. While I continued a deep meditation, light came down from Heaven and shone upon everyone, and I heard a loving, kind voice from above. It was the Blessed Mother's voice. 'Daughter! What are you so worried about? My Son Jesus is in glory in Heaven, but comes to you in Love even today as the sacrificial victim for the children in the world. You have been called to spread (the truth about) the Lord's Real Presence and, thereby, to help many souls repent."(Page 49 Ibid).

Fr Francis Su testifies

Father Francis Su who administered the Holy Communion to Julia Kim reports: "My brother, Bishop Dominic Su, delivered a powerful sermon on the Healing Power and the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. He exhorted us to have faith in the healing power of the Eucharistic King. After the communion of the priests, I administered the Holy Eucharist to Julia Kim. As I continued to distribute Holy Communion to the others present, those who were sitting close to her noticed blood in her mouth. The Sacred Host that she received from me transformed into visible "Flesh and blood"(John 6:51,55-56).

I went to Julia and prayed over her. I could smell blood and then, I saw the Sacred Host on her tongue moving and forming the shape of a heart. Photographs were taken and some of them showed the "Pieta".(Mother Mary holding the body of Jesus after He was taken down from the cross)(Page 47, Ibid).

Miraculous manifestations and visions are drawing many people to Jesus. Numerous cases of healing and conversions are taking place in the presence of the Eucharistic Lord.

The 30-member team from Singapore visited Naju and spent two days on May 19th and 20th 1997, with Julia Kim during our preaching ministry in Korea.

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