As you can see from the post quoted below, contrary to earlier claims not even 
a bureaucratic committee meeting was called to certify these incredible 
"miracles", let alone follow any kind of genuine scientific procedure. The 
supernatural claims made by an individual and her priests were accepted without 
any independent verification by unbiased expert observers or by any kind of 
actual tests to ascertain whether real flesh and blood had materialized. Nobody 
bothered to investigate whether they were human flesh and blood. No samples of 
the flesh and blood were preserved for a subsequent thorough scientific 
examination to rule out the very likely possibility of pious fraud, and to 
establish the validity of not just the immediate extraordinary claims, but 
indeed the tenability of the entire belief system surrounding them. 

A real scientific procedure would demand one to find out if the tissue and 
blood in question matches that of anybody connected with this event, primarily 
Julia Kim. Scientists would want to know if both X and Y chromosomes were 
present in the cells from the flesh and in the white blood cells, because of 
the claim of virgin birth. They would ask that nuclear and mitochondrial DNA be 
sequenced, so Korean ancestry could be ruled in or out, and the correct 
geneology be determined. 

The level of gullibility displayed in the quoted post indicates that the people 
involved in propagating such "miracles" do not want their claims to be 
subjected to real scientific tests, and face the prospect of disillusionment.



--- On Sat, 8/9/08, Fr. Ivo C da Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ***I am giving here the report of the Eucharistic miracle.
> We believe in the 
> real presence of the Risen Lord in the Eucharist under the
> species of bread 
> and wine. Christian faith is not based on miracles. The
> miracle confirms it. 
> What would be Dr.Santosh's scientific procedure?
> "For my neuroscience this 
> can never happen!"... This is laughable! Let us humbly
> accept the reality. 
> We know how much we do not know!
> Regards.
> Fr.Ivo
> The Eucharistic Miracles

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