Dev tuka chodd ani chodd borém korum, mogal Domnic-ba,
Ia matreaponar fatreaponar soglea dupodanchi fulpodamchi
ekdomunch cocktail zata...
Moi mogan thumchó zantte-piraientló chacha..
Alfred > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2008 
19:23:08 +0530> Subject: [Goanet] Reduplicatives> > > > > Dear> Alfred,> > (1) 
> Per my knowledge, ‘askin’ = apron; ‘bontor vo banddxirem’ = rag - in Bardez, 
we> use the word ‘banddxirem’. > > A> girl/woman supposedly ran short of a 
piece of rag (Before introduction of> disposable menstrual pads in 1895, women 
often used strips of folded old cloth> [rags] to catch their menstrual blood); 
hence, she tore her askin (apron) and> made use of it as a rag.> > ani> bontor 
nam munon...chedvan askin pinjilém ... > > (askin: sanitary towel of the 
times)(2) Alon dolon gue.....chedvan dantém manilém....> > udok nam munon 
chevan mut'an kaloilem...> > > > The> lines go as follows:> > - 
Apttun-dopttun*> gho, cheddvan dantem manddilem > > - Udok> nam mhunnon 
cheddvan mutan kaloilem > > *the> grinding stones were quite heavy; so, they 
were set on each other with great> difficulty - ‘apttun-dopttun’.> > > > (3) > 
Alon dolon gue … – These words belong to another Dulpod; the lines go as> 
follows:> > - Te> bhaimchem udoku, cheddum kadd’ta goddgodditu> > > > - Ani> 
alot-dolot et gho cheddum, nanv Morgoritu> > > > > > Moi-mogan,> > Domnic> 
Fernandes> > Gaumvaddy,> Anjuna> >>
 > > _________________________________________________________________> >From 
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