Reduplicative: Cathrina-Fodtrina, Moderator-Fodretor etc

Ref. ongoing topic on goanet.

Well, really speaking, the above are not the right way we used in our daily 
language ‘Konkani’.

The right way would be Cathrina-Batrina, Moderator-Bodoretor.

In Konkani, any word or name is Reduplicated/reduplicative by a simple rule.
Change the first letter of the word to B (note some exceptions below)

e.g. Caitan-Baitan, Kazar-bazar, festam-bestam, Vasco-Basco etc
Hem kazar koslem? (Sarkem Ponch!)
Kazarak Soro-Boro cainch nam.

What type of wedding (reception) is this?
No alcoholic drinks at all.

Ladru: Are khuim re tum? Agxi Festak disonk nam nam mure..
Pedru:  Maka festam-bestam lagonant, mojem kam borem haum boro.

Ladru: Where wee you? Could see you at Agasaim Feast (on 10th Aug).
Pedru:  I am not into Feasts etc. Just me and my work (job).

Rohit (a tourist in a Goan restaurant):  Can I order two Chicken Tandoori?
Carmelin (A typical Goan):  Are baba, inga Tandoori-Banduri kainch mevona, 
focot xit-Koddi meuta.

(Carmelin)  We don’t serve tandoori etc but only goan fish curry rice.

Hi xerkos kosli?  Tinga makod-bakod cainch nasle (or hoti-boti, xiv-biv, 
anxel-banxel* unttam-bunttam* etc)

What type of circus is this? There were no animals at all.

Some irregulars or exceptions to the rule:
(1) If the name/word starts in B then the whole word kept/repeated as it is.
Camil: (10 years ago) tumchea ghora fattleam kitlinxinch bokim (cranes) 
(Or Kitlexinch zaddam distalim)
Andre: Antam bokim-bokim kaich nam fogot distat tim ‘buildingam’
(or Antam zaddam-baddam kaich dissonant…)

Camil: We could see many birds (cranes) behind your house
or we could see many trees
Andre: we don't see cranes etc (Birds) (or trees etc) now but just the 
buildings (Concrete juncgle).

(2) When the first letter of the word/name starts with a vowel (i.e. A, E, I , 
O , U) then add B before the word ( the new/second word will now have one 
letter more than the original/first one).
e.g. Aros-Baros,  Estel-Bestel,  Indur-Bindur,  ontt-bontt,  udhok-Budhok
(Pulav, Estel name of a person, Rat, Lips, Water)
*Similarly, (the above) Anxel-Banxel (bear), Unttam-Bunttam (Camels) etc

That’s enough now for today.
More soon from your friendly Professor JoeGoaUk.

Now, the above Fodrina, Foderetor etc remind me of this..

I was just 7 years old.
While I was at Cotalim junction (Panjim-Margao-Miguel Rod Road-Sancoale Road).
By pointing my finger, I asked my elders..

Hi fekttry kosli? (What factory is that
He replied: Kapusachi (meaning  cotton Factory)

As I grow older, say about 14-15, I said to my self:
When cotton is grown on trees then why produced in factory?

2 years later, as I was there for a litany (at Baddeam Furis) near the same 
Cortalim junction, asked an elderly (a drunkard).
‘He fekttrint kitem kortat?
- ‘Fodre-potti’  he replied.

I really did not know what it mean at the time.
Some years later, I found out the meaning of  ‘potti’ i.e. either strip or a 
It was only when I was about 20,  I  discovered myself what it really mean.
It was nothing but the equivalent of the modern Tampax, Always, kotex,  
stayfree etc which was then a ‘carefree’ from Christinhood. 

I must also admit that from the Domnic’s recent post, I now know what it meant 
by ‘Bontor nam munn gho, cheddvan askin pinjilam’


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