Thanks Professor JoeGoaUk, that was informative.

How do i say this word 'Borod'..Borod-borod wouldn't be right i guess!

May be borod-forod or borod-zorod!!

The last sounds pretty exciting:-)


Some irregulars or exceptions to the rule:
(1) If the name/word starts in B then the whole word kept/repeated as it is..
Camil: (10 years ago) tumchea ghora fattleam kitlinxinch bokim (cranes) distalim..
(Or Kitlexinch zaddam distalim)
Andre: Antam bokim-bokim kaich nam fogot distat tim ‘buildingam’
(or Antam zaddam-baddam kaich dissonant…)

Camil: We could see many birds (cranes) behind your house
or we could see many trees
Andre: we don't see cranes etc (Birds) (or trees etc) now but just the buildings (Concrete juncgle).

(2) When the first letter of the word/name starts with a vowel (i.e. A, E, I , O , U) then add B before the word ( the new/second word will now have one letter more than the original/first one).
e.g. Aros-Baros,  Estel-Bestel,  Indur-Bindur,  ontt-bontt,  udhok-Budhok
(Pulav, Estel name of a person, Rat, Lips, Water)
*Similarly, (the above) Anxel-Banxel (bear), Unttam-Bunttam (Camels) etc

That’s enough now for today.
More soon from your friendly Professor JoeGoaUk.

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