A megalopolis in making on India's southwest coast (Letter from Kerala)
By B.R.P. Bhaskar

Propelled largely by funds sent home by people working abroad, mostly
in the Gulf countries, Kerala's coastal belt is undergoing rapid
urbanisation of a kind not witnessed elsewhere.

Kerala has five cities, 53 towns and about 1,000 village panchayats.
The division into urban and rural areas is arbitrary. Many urban areas
retain their rural character and many villages boast of urban
amenities. Continuous habitation from one end to the other gives the
state the character of a rural-urban continuum.

At the time of the 2001 census, the state's urban population was 26
percent, slightly below the national average of 27 percent. However,
as an official document points out, unlike in other parts of the
country, urbanisation in the state is not limited to designated cities
and towns and "Kerala society by and large can be termed as

All along the coast, frenetic construction is going on and it may well
wipe out the rural spaces between the urban centres dotting the
highway that runs north to south. Similar activity is visible also on
either side of the inland Main Central Road, which runs almost
parallel to it.

If the process continues uninterrupted, the state may end up as an
urban continuum -- a 550-km-long ribbon-like megalopolis, which will
subsume all existing cities and most of the towns and account for
two-thirds of the population.

Fifty years ago, there was only one small town on the 70 km route
between Thiruvananthapuram, the capital, and Kollam, headquarters of
the adjacent district. Now there are a dozen small towns on this
stretch, and many of them are still growing. Evidently the days of the
surviving villages on the route are numbered.

Coastal Kerala has a rich history. Its ancient ports had traded with
Greece in the west and China in the east. It was through them that
Christianity entered India. According to local tradition, St. Thomas,
one of Christ's 12 disciples, landed here in 52 AD and built several
churches. The Vatican does not endorse this, but it is not in doubt
that Kerala already had a long-established Christian community when
Vasco da Gama arrived in 1498.

Islam too entered India through this coast. A mosque at Kodungallur,
north of Kochi, is the oldest Muslim place of worship on the
subcontinent. Jews, fleeing persecution, also landed here and lived
peaceably for centuries.

The small Jewish community is now close to extinction, most of the
younger members having joined co-religionists in Israel. But Muslims
(25 percent) and Christians (19 percent) constitute a sizable chunk of
the population, which stood at 31.8 million in 2001.

As modern education spread, lack of employment opportunities at home
forced people to migrate in search of jobs. By early 20th century, the
British colonies of Ceylon, Singapore, Malaysia, Kuwait and Bahrain
were attracting people from the state.

Those who worked abroad returned home on retirement to live and die as
their forebears had done. Kerala, therefore, remained rural in spite
of its long contacts with foreign lands.

Things began to change in the 1960s when boats from the Gulf ports
started arriving with contraband. Enterprising men in Dubai, keeping
track of London market rates supplied by Reuters, would order gold
bars from England when the price was attractive. The consignment which
arrived by air would be transferred to boats and sent to the Indian

The operators soon discovered that the Kerala coast was quite
hospitable. At the Gulf end, theirs was a legitimate business:
re-export. At the Indian end, it had another name: smuggling.

Adventurous young men clambered on board the returning boats and
reached Dubai, where they discovered a job market that was growing
fast as petrodollars brought prosperity. In course of time, Kerala
became a favourite recruiting ground of employers in the Gulf region.

Today more than two million people from the state are working abroad,
90 percent of them in the Gulf countries. Since the 1970s, remittances
from expatriates have been piling up in the state's banks. A World
Bank study of 2006 found it one of the top 20 remittance-receiving

Latest figures put non-resident Keralites' bank deposits at about
Rs.320 billion, which is about 20 percent of all NRI deposits in
India. Kerala accounts for only 3.44 percent of the country's

A large chunk of NRK remittances has gone into construction activity.
In the early phase of Gulf migration, construction activity was
limited to residential buildings. Later, the more affluent among them
started developing commercial property. Now there has emerged a group
of super-rich expatriates who are looking for investment opportunities
and cultivating political contacts to further their plans.

The Dubai-financed Smart City and Vallarpadam container terminal
projects at Kochi and the Vizhinjam harbor project coming up near the
capital are sure to speed up the pace of urbanisation.

At present, urbanisation is only skin-deep. This means the authorities
can intervene effectively and ensure that it proceeds on healthy
lines. But they seem to be diffident. They are not able to provide
enough water and power to meet even the population's current, modest

(B.R.P. Bhaskar can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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