SPORDHO FAIDEACHEO ?Albert writes:- 
At the begining let me tell you that judging is very difficult sometimes. A 
good judge finds it very difficult to judge. So when appointing judges only 
those who have written and directed konkani tiatrs and have acted in tiatrs 
should be appointed as judges. In the tiatr competition there should be seven 
podd'do tiatr and the curtain should be drawn. A tiatr cannot be a natok. Natok 
competition is different. Sometimes for tiatr competition the stage is set only 
once and the different scenes are shown by changing the lights. Moving stage 
should not be allowed as all participants cannot afford to have revolving 
stage. While declaring best prize for script the judges should not be the same 
as that for the tiatr. These should be those who have published konkani books 
in romi lipi. While distributing prizes Kala academy should have the same 
programme as they have for Marathi competitions. I have noticed that the prize 
distribution for konkani tiatr is done more of a formality. Not much of a 
programme .Once when i took part in the competition in 1984 the prize 
distribution was held in an open space. M Boyer was the chief guest. Batawadas 
were distributed and one cold drink. Some one came up and spoke few words and 
prizes were distributed. MBoyer spoke two and half sentences and the programme 
was over. It was not even held in the hall. Few days later Marathi prize 
distribution for competion held in Marathi was held in the AC auditorium on a 
grand scale. There were speakers after speakers speaking on this and that and 
the programme lasted for nearly four to six hours followed by lunch. There were 
dignitories like CM and many renowned invitees. 
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