DEar friends,

Thre seems to be quite a hue and cry about the miracles.

SEEK N YOU SHALL FIND ; is a commonly known phrase, those who have sought 
excellence in a particular sphere has found'nt it ? be it excellence 
in sports, education, public life  religion, holiness etc.

to be able to experience a mialce or get a mirale By th Hand of God, you need 
to be holy, prepered for it, seeking it - thus pls do not wish that miracles 
happen to everyone.

I am seeing that the revealations by our lady of fatima, are happening, may be 
I sought - so why dont you all seek.


--- On Sat, 8/23/08, Fr. Ivo C da Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> From: Fr. Ivo C da Souza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Lourdes Miracles
> Date: Saturday, August 23, 2008, 8:32 PM
> From: "Albert Desouza"
> ***I am reproducing the witness of those who have seen the
> white host being 
> transformed into "flesh and blood", thus
> confirming the words of Jesus of 
> his real presence in the Eucharist through
> transubstantiation. I hope that 
> the readers will see that there are "Eucharistic
> miracles" in our times.
> Albert writes: >>>...Many times Miracles are man
> made. If God wanted to show 
> these miracles He would show it to everyone and not only to
> few.
> ***Miracles are a part and parcel of the Christian
> Revelation. Miracles can 
> be worked only by God. Man-made miracles are not miracles.
> The Church 
> defined the possibility of miracles. Miracles are signs of
> God's power. God 
> works according to his Will and Plan. Signs from heaven
> should not be 
> demanded, as Jesus himself warned us. They should be humbly
> recognized.
> >>>There has been instances of bogus miracles too
> which I do not like to 
> >>>discus on this net not out of fear but out of
> disgust.
> ***I am speaking of Lourdes miracles and Eucharistic
> miracles, recognized by 
> the Church. I am not referring to "bogus"
> miracles which are not miracles at 
> all...
> >>>The person who has seen God is Jesus Christ. He
> has clearly mentioned 
> >>>every inch of his knowledge into the Bible and
> there lies the 
> >>>authenticity of God. Many times the clergy take
> undue respect of calling 
> >>>human beings as scholars of the church or
> scholars of the scriptures. 
> >>>There are no scholars of the scriptures unless
> God reveals the matter to 
> >>>them.
> ***God spoke through the prophets and through Jesus his Son
> to humanity. 
> Scriptures mediate this "God-talk" to us.
> Theologians and scriptural 
> scholars have their important role in the Church. God
> speaks to us today 
> also through the theologians and the Church. Instead of
> writing against the 
> teaching of the Church, I hope you will learn from the
> theologians and the 
> priests.
> >>>Hope I am clear.
> ***Yes, I hope that I am also clear.
> Regards.
> Fr.Ivo


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