Chapter 1. - Cracking Da Vinci's Code - You have read the fiction, now read the 
facts by G&J
Da Vinci Code and Guardian of the Dawn are half-facts, which gives them an air 
of authenticity, mixed with fiction and speculation, which is woven into the 
story either as direct statements or as symbols and linking concepts.
The Holy Grail is mythologically / fictionally considered the cup / chalice 
used at the Last Supper and later used by Joseph Arimathea to collect blood 
from the crucified Christ. After a chase, in real life over the centuries and 
in the novel, this cup / chalice, so far has never been found. Now, DB claims 
"the Holy Grail is Mary Magdalene ... the mother of the royal bloodline of 
Jesus Christ" (pg 253).
We had the fiction of the Holy Grail and the financial rewards for those 
perpetuating it  - the places where the Holy Grail was supposed to have been, 
on it journey to its final resting place - which no one knows. This is now 
superimposed by the new fiction and the financial rewards of this new version, 
with 7 million copies of the book Da Vinci Code sold, in addition to movie and 
other related money-making accessories.  With such motivation, truth 
becomes the first casualty.  Well established history is replaced with 
innuendo. Some minor and insignificant details are presented as some 21st 
century discovery and used to declare the death of accepted facts.
Da Vinci Code is hence a DB code, woven into the novel to overturn some of the 
central tenets of the Christian Church.  It is based on codes in paintings, 
sculpture and selected books whose authenticity and age are unknown, other 
known fictional books and sheer speculation of a fiction writer who is quick on 
the act to bury the truth with the victim.  These are analyzed in subsequent 
chapters by G&J and will be presented in subsequent posts.  
Those who find Da Vinci Code as bizarre will not be surprised by the analysis.  
Those who have not read the original book will find the concepts presented by 
DB and analysis by G&J as shocking.  So sensitive readers are cautioned and 
reader-discretion advised.  Yet G&J responses and analysis is serious with 
points in each chapter referenced, which the serious reader can further pursue.
Regards, GL

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