Notes From Chapter 2 of "Cracking Da Vinci's Code" by G&J
False statements of DB in the Da Vinci Code:
1. The sexual union between man and woman in the only way to achieve 'gnosis' - 
the knowledge of the divine (pg 308)
2. Church through the ages recasts sex between man and woman as a 'shameful 
act' (pg 125)
3. Church has repositioned sex as evil in order to combat a threat to its base 
of power (pg 239)
DB's book is not a book about sex. Yet it talks about sexual rituals that 
allows one to truly know God.  G&J concludes that Da Vinci Code is an appeal 
for 'free sex' separate from the parameters established by God and espoused by 
the Church..  According to G&J, the 'Hieros Gamos' propounded by DB is no 
sacred union. It is 'free sex' using neo-pagan and quasi-religious language. An 
example is when the main character Professor Robert Langdon lectures to a  
group of students about finding divinity during sex. In the novel, Robert 
Langdon is professor of religious symbology at Harvard - America's leading Ivy 
League place of learning
DB through Professor Langdon uses the technique of 'causuistry' where 
well-thought reasonings are used to justify what the individual wants to do. 
The teacher / DB suggest there is no Christian concept to sex for joy as in 
Tantrism or alchemy - where sex can bring spiritual enlightenment. Langdon's 
claim of equating sex with Original Sin as a wrong teaching of the church (as 
if that was the official teaching of the church) is fallacious. 
Some of DB's statements are so out of sink that it is not worth dignifying them 
with a response by G&J or myself.  All religions and societies treasure 
marriage as an important institution. And an integral part of marriage is sex.  
So to classify sex as a "shameful act" is ludicrous.
Some will recollect sometime back, several intelligent minds in many Goanet 
posts were propounding with authority that there is nothing wrong with 
consensual sex outside marriage;  before or after marriage. Was this 
'causuistry' at work?  Were they students of Prof Langdon or were they just 
'faking it'?  The humor here is, that Prof Langdon is a fictional character in 
Da Vinci Code. So those who promote the virtues of consensual sex are following 
the writings of DB and others with a similar agenda.  
'Androgynous' - the union of male and female during sex is not a representation 
of God or a way to commune with God as some religious cults believe. And others 
wanting 'free sex' would have us or their sexual partners believe.
Regards, GL


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