From: "J. Colaco < jc>" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
2008/8/26 Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

1: Both Jose and Fr. Ivo are Catholics who believe in miracles.

2: Jose has always said that he believes in them because of his faith....

May I agree with #1 above and disagree with #2 - as stated by you?

In my clinical experience (of some years now)  there have been some
unexpected cures / recoveries. They have been amazing and wonderful
occurrences inexplicable by our current knowledge. Until I find
scientific explanations for the cures, I will call them miracles.

It has nothing to do with my faith (i.e. religion). It has everything
to do with my inability to find a scientific explanation for them.
***It is good that you have found in your clinical practice such healings,
which according to your scientific knowledge could not be medically done.
Enquiry can always be extended and much more verified. You can also call them "miracles" in a broader sense. You see the fact scientifically, and could attribute it to God or leave it in suspense. I am accepting miracles, not only because I am a Catholic and must accept the possibility of miracles, -- since Christianity is a historical religion rooted in the greatest miracle, the Resurrection of Jesus--, but also because I see the rationale for miracles. It is based on the observation and evaluation of facts
in the light of Science and common sense.

That is why I suggest that the Church needs to have an open
investigation of  unexplained cures. Was there an illness? Was it
coincidentaly treated by a drug which was used for another purpose?
Can there be another reason for the "cure"? Is it really a cure?

***As I am given to understand, the Medical Bureau does all this enquiry and much more...
What else could they do in these cases?

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