Is there a protocol in Goa for car accidents?

If there is and the procedure was not followed by the cop on the
scene, did Samir report it to the higher police authority?

Just for information this would be how the incident would play out in
the province of Ontario:

a) Both drivers would exchange information on driver licenses and
insurance coverage.
b) If the damage was less than a thousand dollars, no cop would have
to be called. Both would drive off.
c) The next working day, the driver of the car who was in front and
rammed by the car behind would inform his insurance company (IC) of
the incident.
d) The IC would have his car repaired at any approved garage of the
policy holders choosing and then bill the amount to the insurance
company of the driver at fault.
e) The latter IC would then raise the insurance rates of the driver at
fault from the next renewal.
f) If any one's license and insurance is not in order, they would be
separately charged as both ICs are obligated to inform the police of

If the damage repair would be estimated at more than a thousand
dollars, or anyone is hurt, or any other law is broken like either of
the two drivers are alcohol-impaired, cops would be called on the
scene. They would arrive in less than 5 minutes and they would write a
report mentioning the person responsible. The same insurance procedure
as above would then follow. The difference being that rates would not
only reflect the incident, they would also reflect the alcohol
impairment, making renewal almost unaffordable, forcing the at-fault
driver to stop driving in the future. The cops of course would arrest
the impaired driver, impound his car and/or call an ambulance in case
of hurt, the ambulance being mandated to arrive in less than 6

No question of taking anybody's word or trusting anyone to repair the
car or asking the havaldar to stand witness.

One more reason why people should not ask why Goans emigrate to
greener pastures, just as Goans in greener pastures should not tell
those in Goa how to conduct and govern themselves. Or moan and
complain about things in Goa if they go there on holiday or choose to
spend their retirement there.


Roland Francis
+1 (416) 453.3371

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 9:20 AM, Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Other day, someone in Goa banged our car from hehind. After calling the
> cops, they turned up in half an hour. Their first stance was --- you
> compromise among yourself, and dont involve us.
> The guy who banged our car agreed to compromise and said he will repair
> our car the next day. Obviously, we couldnt just take him on his word.
> So, we asked the cop --- will you be witness to this guy's word in case
> he goes back on his word?
> Cop said --- "amkam kidem lagta tem" (how does it matter us? It is between
> you and him.) These cops dont deserve that wardi (uniform).

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