The article below appeared in the GT page A8 on 03 September, 2008. It was 
followed on 05 Sept. by a "Letter to the Editor" by "Professor" Sebastiao 
Mariano Borges objecting to the date of DKA formation and placing it on 28 
August, 1988 [instead of 1989 stated by Tomazinho] at a function held in 
Margao. Perhaps, SMB is right. He writes for the GULAB magazine that was 
founded by Fr. Freddy Da Costa, the first DKA President. That Gulab and SMB 
promote Devanagri while writing in Roman script is just one of the many ironies 
of Konkani.
Both, Tomazinho and SMB, are members of the GKA and have co-authored the 
compilation of Konkani Orthography published by GKA recently, perhaps in an 
effort "to prepare Catholic Goans to switch over to Devanagri" as if teaching 
Antruzi Konkani in Devanagri SCRIPT in 126 Diocesan primary schools, 72 GPS and 
5 Hindu management primary schools was not enough to help the poor Catholics 
[Bhandaris and Lamanis who study in these schools] was not enough. The 
proximity perhaps increases the friction. Some sparks are inevitable.
Prof. S> M> Borges does not seem to have made the transition to Devanagri that 
he talks about. He continues to write Konkani in Roman script. Sermanv 
somestank, onnienk nhoi!
Mog asundi.

--- On Fri, 5/9/08, tomazinho cardozo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Of Language, Script and Panic.
♂ Tomazinho Cardozo

All of a sudden,the language controversy of Goa surfaced in the Goa Legislative 
in a big way. The MLAs expressed their opinions as per their thinking.
Some demanded equal status to Roman Script Konkani along with Devnagori
script Konkani and some others felt that Konkani in Roman script and
Marathi should be accorded equal status along with Konkani in Devnagori
script. The Chief Minister, Shri Digamber Kamat assured the house that
he would convene a meeting of all the stakeholders and make efforts to
reach to a concensus in order to solve the language issue once for all.
Can a consensus take place on an issue like this? For me it is
practically impossible.

But certainly one important thing that will
take place is everyone will be in a position to expresss their views
face to face which can go a long way in preparing a congenial atmosphere
as far as language issue in Goa is concerned. Nevertheless, I see a kind
of panic among the p[rotogonists of Devnagori script. This is because,
besides leveling unfounded allegations against the protoganists of 
Konkani in Roman script, as reported, they have threatened to create a
terror in the state if any one tries to amend the Goa Official Language
Act of 1987.  Do we live in a democracy?   

&Why did it take 20years to demand equal status to Konkani in Roman Script.?*- 
is their
first question. Yes, it took 20 years to know about the exact &hidden
agenda* of the leaders in Devnagori script. The hidden agenda was to
wipe out Konkani in Roman script from the Goan soil. In fact, the
agitation for demanding equal status to Konkani in Roman script started
when Dalgado Konknni Akademi was established in 1989 that is just after
two years and not 20 years. It became intense during the last 8 years
because Romi script protagonists realized that Konkani in Devnagori
script has not succeeded in uniting Goans at all.

It is alleged that the Goan Catholic Community is pro western and even the 
masses in the
churches are now taking place in English. This allegation is to say that
Catholic community is not interested in Konkani at all.  It is not only
Goan Catholic community but also the Goan Hindu community pampers
English in public life. Scrutinize the life styles of Hindu community
too. Every one, Hindus as well as Christians, today are pro-English and
the reasons for that are well known to us.

In 95% of the churches in Goa, there might be only one mass in English as 
against masses ranging
from 8 to 25, in Konkani, as per the population of a parish, in a week.
Till date all religious services in Catholic churches take place in
Konkani in Roman script. Leaders of Devnagori lipi have no moral right
to open their mouths about the use of English in Christian religious
services because they do not conduct their religious services in

They allege that Roman script for Konkani will de-nationalize Goans. Rubbish! 
Nationalism and patriotism are values of
our lives. Values cannot be taught, it should be caught. Hence no script
and not even the language, including a foreign script and a foreign
language, can influence these values. Yes, the content of the matter
given through any language, including foreign language, can play some
role in the formation of values. Therefore inculcation of values in us
does not depend on Roman script at all. It solely depends on the
behaviour and character of our parents, friends, teachers, society,
etc., whose influence shapes our lives.  
And what righ do these leaders have to allege that Roman script will 
de-nationalize Goans? Take for example the
growth of any leader of Devnagori loby. If he is a graduate
educationally, he must have studied his primary education in Marathi for
atleast 4 years, High School in English medium for 6 years, Higher
Secondary School, again in English medium, for 2 years and College
education, again in English medium, for another 3 years. In other words
he must have learnt in regional language only for 4 years while his
study in English, foreign script as well as  foreign language,  amounts
to a long period of 11 years. Does this mean these leaders are

They claim that the demand for the Roman script for Konkani will divide Goans. 
Division can take place only if Goans are
united through Konkani in Devnagiri script. Where is this so called
unity of Goans through Konkani in Devnagiri script? Today Bahujan Samaz,
the largest section of Hindu community, has not accepted Konkani in
Devnagiri mainly because a particular dialect of very small community of
Goa is dumped on all Goans. This is the reason why there are almost 1000
schools in Marathi medium  and only about 133 Konkani medium schools out
of which only 5 schools are managed by Hindu managements and the rest 每
127 每 by Christian management.  So where is the unity of Goans through
Konkani in Devnagori script? 

On the other hand the imposition of Konkani in Devnagiri  script and also a  
particular dialect, which is
not liked by the Catholic community, has compelled them  to go away from
Konkani language. This is the reason why the number of   students in the
131 Konkani  medium primary school managed by Catholic  managements, is
decreasing day by day. I have now realized that converting the Catholic
primary schools in to Konkani medium, is a deep rooted conspiracy to
finish catholic education in Goa. If there was unity, all Goans would
have studied primary education in Konkani in Devnagiri script. Hence
Konkani in Devnagiri script could not achieve unity among all Goans at

Every Devnagori lipi protoganist makes a statement today that
Goa Konkani Akademy gives equal treatment to Konkani in Roman script.
This has taken place only for the last three years as far as publication
of books are concerned. This was because the Romi protagonists agitated
and the government was compelled to direct the Goa Konkani Akademy to
support Konkani in Roman script. But how many Romi lipi lovers have been
given representation in the Governing Council and General Council of
GKA? How many Roman scriptwriters have been given an opportunity to head
the GKA? What sort of equal treatment are we talking about?
The Devnagori loby today insists on the principle of ※One Script, One
Language, One Literature and One Society§. This approach has alienated
majority of Konkani speaking people from the Konkani movement and
compelled them to fight for their rights. If the agitation for Kanada
script for Konkani in Karnataka and Romi script for Konkani in Goa
became intense it was because of this narrow-minded concept of ※One
Script, One Language, One Literature and One Society§.

Traditionally Goans, Hindus as well as Christian, loved and still love
their own religions and at the same time they respected and still
respect the religious feelings of each other. This is the foundation of
communal harmony and peace among Goans. If we believe in the development
of Konkani language and in strengthening the unity among Goans, we will
have to learn to love and respect various scripts of Konkani. Konkani
language will prosper only if all its scripts and dialects are given
equal importance/equal status. Konkani language will perish if a
particular script and a particular dialect is imposed on all Konkani
speaking people.

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