Dear friends, 

In his article which appeared on GT of 03/09 at pg. 5, Tomazinho Cardoso 
accuses his adversaries of "levelling unfounded allegations against the 
protagonists of Konkani in Roman script."  But all he has done is giving false 
dates of events *_with which he was personally associated_* besides covering 
his own failings. 

He states that the Dalgado Konknni Akademi (DKA) was established in 1989.  And 
this is not a typographical error, because the phrase "just after two years and 
not 20 years" that follows proves that the year has been correctly printed.     
The fact is that it was established in 1988, the seeds having been sown by Fr. 
Pratap Naik at a meeting he called on 14th March, 1987 i.e. within a month of 
the OLA being assented by the Governor!  Following that meeting, Fr. Naik 
contacted Fr. Freddy Da Costa and Tomazinho Cardozo and impressed upon them the 
need of starting the DKA.  When the DKA was finally established on 28th August, 
1988 at Loyola High School, Margao an ad hoc Committee was formed with Fr. 
Freddy as President and Tomazinho as Secretary.  The next Committee was elected 
on  2nd July, 1989 with Fr. Antimo Gomes as President and Tomazinho again as 
Secretary.  After that, the DKA became defunct only to be revived on 12th May, 
2004.  Now, could Tomazinho please explain this hibernation when it had such an 
important task in hand?  What activities did it undertake between 1989 and 

At no stage during 1987-89, when it was active, did any DKA member ever declare 
that their intention was to introduce Roman script into the OLA.  In fact, the 
declared intention was to prepare Catholic Goans for a smooth change-over to 
Devanagari.  To that end, the Akademi appointed a Committee to prepare 
Orthographic Rules for Writing Konkani in Roman script under the chairmanship 
of Fr. Matthew Almeida s.j.  These Rules were published by DKA in 1988 i. e. 
well before the date given by Tomazinho for the establishment of DKA! 

Tomazinho poses a question: How many Roman script writers have been given an 
opportunity to head the GKA?  Now, who makes these appointments?  The 
protagonists of Devanagari script?  Or the Government?  And Tomazinho himself 
has been a member of the ruling dispensation.  Since the term of the President 
of GKA is 3 years and that of the Legislative Assembly is five, at least one 
appointment, if not two, must have been made during Tomazinho's tenure as an 
important functionary of the ruling Legislature party.  What efforts did he 
make in that regard then? 

Tomazinho bemoans the fact that no books in Roman script Konkani have been 
published by GKA.  This is not entirely true.  *_No such books were submitted 
to it for publication. _*  Let him produce the list of manuscripts which were 
rejected by GKA.  In fact, Tomazinho himself had undertaken to compile an 
anthology of "101 Tiatr Songs."  But has not submitted the manuscript thereof 
till date, even after 15 years!  And he does not say that he cannot do it 
either; there are persons who would be willing to do that job in six months!  
What will such overly busy persons do as Head of GKA?  In contrast, the late 
Felicio Cardoso completed two anthologies of Tiatr plays, within two years; and 
these have been published by GKA in Roman script. 

One can only conclude that the present movement was started by Tomazinho to 
hide his own sins of omission.  And he has certainly profited from it. 

The above appeared as a Letter to the Editor in GT dated 05/09, but in a rather 
truncated form.  A calumnist, who writes exclusively for English readership, 
thought that I got the above dates right because I write in GULAB magazine 
whose founder editor, the late Fr. Freddy J. Da Costa was the President of the 
ad hoc Executive Committee of GKA.  Isn't this preposterous?  How can one get 
correct dates today from a person who expired four years ago?  In fact, I got 
my correct dates from the very reverend whose sidekick the calumnist is.  But 
then, can one expect mercenary writers to check their facts before they shoot 
them off?  I practise the precepts of not only Monsignor Dalgado but also those 
of Dr. Pratap Naik who wrote as follows in two of his RESEARCH PAPERS (not 
popular articles, mind you):  "(1) This is not the time for standardization.  
Konkani people are dispersed in several locations, scripts and religions.  This 
is the time to use a single script, to understand each other, to dialogue, to 
learn from each other.  (2) It takes time for a standard dialect to evolve.  It 
is a process.  Until that happens, let us write and read in Devanagari.  When 
the time comes, when the day arrives, a standard dialect will automatically 
present itself.  (3) We need a standard dialect for teaching in schools and 
colleges, for official correspondence, for using a formal language in public 
gatherings, etc.  The only question that remains is, which dialect is to 
considered standard.  (4) We do not yet have a standard Konkani.  Therefore, 
instead of imposing the dialect of a particular community, religion or caste on 
others, we must use only Devanagari script for writing our own dialect.  In 
this manner, we shall be able to learn each others' words, grammatical forms 
etc.  Thus, within a few years, a standard Konkani will develop in Devanagari 
script."  These research papers were published as late as in 2003, the very 
year in which he and Tomazinho Cardozo started the script controversy! 

I read Konkani in four scripts and write in two: in Roman script on "Gulab" and 
in Devanagari on "Sunaparant," " Zag" and "Dalgadacho Sondesh".  The calumnist 
knows this fact, yet calumniates.  He also knows very well that I do not earn 
my bread from writing in Konkani; yet he nauseatingly harps about defecating in 
the plate I eat from.  Does one need any further proof that he has taken leave 
of his senses?  Perhaps he thinks "Gulab" is another "Goencho Ulo" which he 
milked dry while the going was good. 
Ultimately, Truth alone shall prevail! 
Sebastian Borges 

--- On Fri, 9/5/08, Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The article below appeared in the GT page A8 on 03 September, 2008. It was 
followed on 05 Sept. by a "Letter to the Editor" by "Professor" Sebastiao 
Mariano Borges objecting to the date of DKA formation and placing it on 28 
August, 1988 [instead of 1989 stated by Tomazinho] at a function held in 
Margao. Perhaps, SMB is right. He writes for the GULAB

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