I feel sad that Floriano Lobo was not invited to speak at the rally held in 
Panaji. He should take a leaf out of Anacletto Viegas's book and start a NGO 
that would supplement his Goa Suraj party. It has perhaps dawned on Anacleto to 
that the UGDP has lost its potential as a "people's party" and that the Goan 
public has put more faith in the NGOs to fight their battles that range from 
panchayat-level politics to state-level. As we have seen the mushrooming of 
NGOs in Goa, which I wrote earlier on this forum, as a new type of 
professionalism. The fact that the NGOs are garnering lot of media attention 
and also the ears of the government has probably promoted for Anacleto to try 
on this grassroot level.
The people's power in some of the troubled regions of the states, more so in 
Benaulim and Colva villages, have forced the politicians to take a back seat. 
What better way to cash in on the growing importance and influence of the NGOs 
than floating one more. The more the merrier, though caution must be taken to 
see that they to do clash against each other on vital issues that affect the 
Goan masses. We have seen the recent exit of Dr. Oscar, and such incidents does 
not protend well for the future.
So, Floriano should take a hint and start another NGO. Perhaps tend his voice 
will be heard more among the Goans in Goa than echoing in the empty spaces of 
the Internet. His journey from a "tarvotti" to a "mullah" seems to have been 
complete, an end to his roadmap. The best recourse for this Mullah from Moira, 
whose rambunctious noises, including issuing a "fatwa" against me, would be to 
join his good friend Miquel Braganza in a common NGO instead of duelling on 
Besides, you cannot "deny" Jesus with a tongue-in-cheek remark. The tongue 
sometimes bites back.



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