Cause for the attack on the police at the Kulshekar church, Mangalore.

Police told that they can give protection to the churches. But they
did not care for this

But more than hundered people of Fundumental Group Bajarang Dala had
gathered near Cordel church compund (Kulshekar Church Mangalore) with
the weopons. During the section 144 [and `tight protection' (?!!!) of
the police.]  (to evidence Video format CD is there)

So our innocent youth to save our church, fathers, children and
women... started to throwing the stones from the top of the school
building. Policemen shooted and opened the church gate and entered
inside the school (I don't know whether it is legal or illegal)
premise and fired tear gas.

So our youth could not open the eyes (Blind) and they thought these
criminals entered to our school premises and made this. Then our youth
started to throw tiles from the top of the school. Policemen charged
terrible case for our youth. But they not even arrested the Bajarang
Dal group who were gathered with weapons and beating a christian. They
are only charging small case and leaving them within one hour.

So i request you to please try to release our innocent youth and give
us justice.

Note from Ancy: This message is given by a person who has video
shooted the whole incidence. I have talked to the person and he is
working in an Christian Institution of which I am very familiar with.
If any genuine people wants to get this CD for a good purpose may
contact me.

- Ancy Paladka

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