Laluram Salvi has forwarded article by Deepak Kamat specifying the reasons for 
violence and vandalisation of churches. However he needs to answer the 
following questions:

1.If New Life was distributing literature denigrating Hindu gods and godesses, 
the lawful thing to do was to lodge a complaint with the Police and let law 
take its course.It is completely unlawful for the sangh parivar to take law 
into its hands and start dispensing perceived justice. In this regard in what 
way are they different from muslim fundamentalists who went haywire following 
the painting of a cartoon of the Prophet in a Danish newspaper? They are both 
sides of the same coin.
2.Re other allegations of 'forceful'conversions, Laluram is called upon to 
provide evidence / proof, failing which it will be treated as nothing more than 
3.Re killing of Swami Lakshmananda, I have asked him in the past to produce 
evidence / proof that it was the work of christian missionaries. But till date 
he has not been able to do so.
He will continue saying what his masters / handlers tell him as he is not able 
to think gor himself. I do not think it is worth responding any more to his 




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