Sandeep Heble wrote: I can understand their (Selma's and Marshall's)
pain and anguish but ........... they should not PRESUME to BELIEVE
that others lack the sympathy and the empathy that they have for the
unfortunate victims and their families.

jc's comment:

I have thus far refrained from commenting on this matter.

I agree with the sentiments expressed by Mario, Sandeep and Santosh
Helekar on this matter.

There is NO question in my mind that conniving Politicians are using
naive Brain-washed bigots to help them (the politicians) win Power.
The same (I believe) would have been a fact in Goa,  if the Congress
(however inefficient and corrupt its members may be) was not elected
in Goa and at the Centre.

The voting population might have short term memory ...and re-elect the
BJP in the near future, but they rightly put the brakes on the zealots
the last time around.

There have been sentinel signs in Goa for many years now:

1. The civilian airport at Dabolim was been taken over by the military
2. The business community which were socialising (networking) with the
Portuguese became over-night freedom fighters.
3. The MGP tried to let Maharashtra swallow Goa - WHY?
4. Land belonging to Goans was "converted".
5. Anjadiva Island was taken over and access to one of the State's
OLDEST churches was blocked (from 2005, I believe)
6. The BJP-Shiv Sena had taken control of the very compliant (mainly
mine-owner & vested interest controlled)Goa Press
7. Anarchist alleged NGOs were selectively supporting one political
party or another.

I submit that this violence is NOT about religion. This is about
political and eventually financial control.

I believe that it is absolutely correct for Christians to protest when
Churches and religious are attacked and harmed. It is counter
productive to inflame passions which might lead to further violence.

It is also important that Christians protest ALL forms of violence -
not selectively that which is committed against their own interests.

It is also important for ALL reasonable minded people to recognise
that danger not only lurks from the extreme right (i.e. the Fascists)
but also from the extreme left (i.e. the Commies)

There is much to learn from the peaceful ways of Mahatma Gandhi,
Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King jr. There is much avoid in the
tricky-dicky ways of the sweet-talking but crooked and cruel ways of
the 'control freaks' on the Right as well as on the Left.

The Catholic Church would do very well to protest peacefully and
silently, and to encourage her followers to Meditate and Pray.

There is NO need to join the 'violentes' and 'anarchists' by behaving
like them. There also is NO need to inflame those who might then go on
to do unfortunate acts of violence.

Self-defence is one thing BUT Violence always begets More Violence.

just my view


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