
I shall soon write a synopsis of a US and Global economic outlook
based not on one but on two of North America's leading economic and
market analysts. Their credentials are impeccable. Each of them have
40 years of market experience and they are both alumni of different
Ivy League business schools besides being CAs, CFAs and MBAs.
Sufficiently credible wouldn't you say?

For now, let me specifically address your para below based on their views.

You wrote:

What is worth reading now is that the US has been debauching its
economy for the past eight years as:
1) A currency is only valuable if it is in limited supply.
2) Lowering interest rates effectively devalues your currency.
3) No country, ever, has built a strong economy on a weak currency.
4) Printing more bank notes leads to inflation.
5) And sometimes, STAGFLATION.
If you think the above makes sense, look for a instrument other than
the US dollar to store your wealth.

My Comments:

Currency basically has two fuctions - a store of value and a medium of
exchange. In today's world nobody (except of course the hapless person
who strores money in a mattress) uses any currency in the world as a
store of value.

The strong message is that today US assets are on a fire sale and it
will not be long before the world's sovereign investment funds step in
and buy out big US companies that badly need an infusion of funds not
because they are bankrupt but because there is a liquidity crunch that
will hamper their operations.

To do this the medium of exchange will be US currency.

The worst ever since the Great Depression current credit crisis will
be tackled on three fronts.
Monetary policy
Fiscal policy and
Economic policy

Monetary policy means that the US will print unlimited money to combat
the vaporization of assets that has taken place.

That in itself is not a problem. It will not cause inflation because
no money is being put in disposable channels. It is merely replacing
money that has "disappeared" due to bad investments.

I will talk about the fiscal measures that will be put in place as
well as the recovering economic outlook expected before end 2009.
Right now the world is in a recession, economy-wise.

Mervyn you are unduly concerned about the US dollar. Not by a long
measure is it going to be replaced or even significanlt depreciated.
The US GDP is a father big enough to take care of that baby.


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