Mario Goveia wrote?
> They are totally frustrated that he has beaten them in almost every major 
> political battle while maintaining his cool under fire, even to this day when 
> he is only a few weeks from the end of his remarkable presidency. He has 
> led the successful defeat of Al Qaeda in Iraq, the prevention of another 
> attack by them on the US mainland since 9/11/2001, the liberation 50 million 
> Muslims in Afghanistan and Iraq from Muslim tyrants, and the successful 
> attempt by mostly Muslim Kosovo to become free and independent of the 
> Christian fascists in Serbia, all while standing up to the feckless western 
> Europeans who opposed him every step of the way.

After every war, the currencies of both the victor and the defeated fall in 

Since the US has not declared victory in both current wars, we can 
safely conclude that the US dollar we fall further. This is the real 
cost of the remarkable presidency of George (43) Bush.

Secondly, bankruptcy is to capitalism as what hell is to Christianity.

When CEO's get paid bonuses regardless of whether they make a profit
or loss, you get losses. Lots of losses. George (43) Bush idea of capitalism
is to get the US taxpayer to pay for these losses. This years losses, so far,
amount to $40,000 for each American. 
The best words today's markets can hear?
The words of Ronald Regan i.e.
"I am from the govt and I am here to help you."
My good wishes to all holders of US dollars.


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