From: Roland Francis
>There are Goan Associations throughout the world who
>should be rendering such service to Goan artistes. Singers,
>songwriters, authors, painters and so many others. After all, 
>are such associations meant only to promote grand dances ?

Dear Roland,

With respect, fine sentiments but have you tried marketing any of these
products to the Community yourself?  I have twice attempted to act as  UK
agent for books, selling them at cost + postage (nothing charged for packing
or handling) and it was disastrous. I could write a book about my

Goan Associations have a primary responsibility to their members and do not
have the resources to take on a wider role.

A simpler solution would be for an entrepreneur (are you listening, Cecil?)
in Goa to sell such products via ebay with the option of accepting payment
via PayPal.    

There are British expats who have set up businesses  in Goa marketing local
clothes, costume jewellery, handicrafts etc.   As orders are received they
buy the items and dispatch them overseas by post.  


Eddie Fernandes
London, UK

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