--- On Mon, 10/13/08, Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> QUESTION: Are you calling my assertions as being partisan?

I have to go through all your posts on this issue to determine whether any of 
them are partisan. But here is an example of a partisan statement:

"COMMENT: My commiserations to India and especially the Hindu
community. I am relieved that no rumours were spread that this was a
Christian undertaking - this is not a tongue in cheek, statement;
everyone knows the mindset of the lower class, easily swayed Hindu.

Can you just imagine the carnage that would have befallen  on the
Christian community all over India? This Hindu mindset scares the shit
out of me."

.....Gabe Menezes

Please see the following link for context:


I know that everybody is biased in one way or another but it is important to 
know the whole truth about any situation. The assertion below that there is 
simply no other point of view than yours is hardly an unbiased assertion.

I do not believe that there is widespread oppression of religious minorities in 
India by the Hindu majority. You appear to believe otherwise (Please see the 
quote below). In reality, the communities that are genuinely oppressed are 
underprivileged castes and tribes. Casteism and tribalism are indeed among the 
root causes on the communal riots in Orissa, the other causes being violent 
hate-filled extremism of the Hindutva outfits, Maoists and other criminal 
elements in society.

Now regarding valid points and excuses being put out in this forum, please let 
me know which of the scores of propaganda pieces and news items you have in 



--- On Mon, 10/13/08, Gabe Menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I resent that, your standing on this forum is being devalued, as you are 
> >looking through rose tinted glasses; albeit you see this forum as being 
> >dominated by Goan Christians; I would put it to you that so far, I have 
> >seen only valid points being put out by the oppressed community. It >shows, 
> it really does, when you are looking for that smidgen of excuse >for what is 
> going on.
> There are not ifs or buts, only facts and the end product,
> what we see and read, is what is happening - no two views about it, no
> justification for what is happening, there simply is no
> other point of view that could be deemed 'another dimension'


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