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Date: Sun, 9 Nov 2008 20:33:03 -0800 (PST)
From: marlon menezes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The US government has a very limited role and more importantly, very 
> little power in controlling this. From a corporate point of view, 
> outsourcing will continue so long it will save them money. Every company 
> I know, including the one I work for, continues to accelerate 
> outsourcing of manufacturing and services overseas. 
Mario responds:
Hey, Marlon,
Good to see that you have calmed down, man.  Your previous bomb was unbecoming 
because of your selective use of facts, but highly amusing as well in it's 
attempt to re-write history.
In this case you are describing what things would have been like under Bush or 
McCain.  However, you must have missed what the new guy, Obama, has been saying 
about the economy and outsourcing.
Bush 43 encouraged outsourcing as a free trader, and McCain would have as well. 
 However, the government can interfere with the economics of outsourcing with 
tax incentives to inhibit outsourcing and protectionist barriers and tarriffs, 
which Obama has already promised union leaders will be his highest priority.
Of course, that was before he was elected.  It is still to be seen how many of 
his campaign promises he follows through on, because if we are to believe his 
long-term pastor and mentor, Rev. Wright, he is a guy who would say anything to 
get elected.
Marlon wrote:
The downturn, if anything spur further cost cutting.
Mario responds:
While cutting costs the businesses simultaneously cut purchases across the 
board when their sales decline.  Many American businesses now get all their 
product and many services from overseas.  For those who don't, you would be 
correct that the need to cut costs would have tilted purchases towards foreign 
suppliers, if McCain had been elected.  However, he was not.  That is precisely 
why the companies in India are concerned.
Marlon wrote:
Business volumes and exports to the US may decrease for the next few years, but 
this will primarily be because of the downturn in the US. I would say that 
export dependent countries like China will feel the pinch a lot more than 
Mario responds:
What happens in China on a relative basis is little comfort to the Indian 
companies who may lose American business.  Besides, it is not the Chinese but 
many Indians who are swooning over the Obama victory as we have seen right here 
on Goanet with Dr. Barad and Floriano among others.
While the business slowdown in the US is already taking place and having its 
ripple effect, the business slowdown will eventually reverse itself.  These 
have rarely lasted more than a few quarters.  However, what is a longer term 
concern are Obama's expressly stated campaign promises to his union supporters 
to deliberately impede outsourcing with government tax policy and regulations, 
which could outlast the inevitable business upturn.
Finally, if you really are a Ron Paul anti-liberation libertarian, its going to 
be a long four years for you.  You may even have to pack your potlis and leave. 
 My plan is to sit it out and help Bobby clean up the mess.

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