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It was Jose Colaco I believe who opined that "English may be a difficult language", so kindly excuse the challenges I face in responding to Roland.

Roland Francis wrote:

While my remarks about boorish comments from Samir Kelekar about Overseas
Goans according to you do not take the debate forward, is it your opinion
that the following remarks he made does?

They should also ask what their fathers were doing when freedom fighters
were fighting for freedom. Licking Portuguse boots, being Portuguese
empregad, or slaves? Their sons are now sitting in Australia and UK and
are teaching Indians freedom. Get lost guys, no one in Goa is listening
to you. You are not needed.

RESPONSE: Perhaps you should ask yourself.......Do two wrongs make a right? What exactly did you achieve??

I find your following comment quite intriguing:
This I believe is the ethos of Goanet - to give a voice to the voiceless.
But the hegemony of a few who insist on monopolizing the available bandwidth on a daily basis (for the past several months) drowns out those that need or
want to be heard.......for eg. Sebastian Rodrigues, Philip Neri, Valmiki
Faleiro, Godfrey Gonsalves, Joao Fernandes, Samir Umarye and many-many more......

What are you saying Bosco? That Goanet should be the exclusive domain of a
selected few and that the "janta" should not be occupying space?

RESPONSE: Like Jose said....."English may be a ......." ......to understand what I wrote, Roland......please ask yourself.....do Sebastian Rodrigues, Philip Neri, Valmiki Faleiro, Godfrey Gonsalves, Joao Fernandes, Samir Umarye......monopolize the available bandwidth??? Kitem re?? How many times a week do you hear from them???

Very easy to fix Bosco, in your moderator role. Just cut them off.

RESPONSE: I have publicly stated several times that Goanetters should self-moderate to save the need to moderate. We are dealing with adults, right??

And who decided that the ethos which means the character, the moral element,
of Goanet is to give a voice to the voiceless?

RESPONSE: Good question Roland?? That's your homework.

And even if were a place for the voiceless as you say it should be, pray
tell how Sebastian Rodrigues, Phillip Neri, Valmiki Faleiro et al are not
getting their own voices on Goanet.

Very simple Roland........you are responding to my msg instead of responding to the issues and views of the above gentlemen as they relate to Goa. They are the ones on the ground; you and I have Goa in our minds!!! For me perhaps, its a state of mind!!!

As Bosco the poster, this post of yours was rather lacking in rationale.

RESPONSE: Perhaps you are right!!! And it is not the first time I lacked rationale.

Now that you have reached here.......I hope you will do the right thing!!!

- b

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