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Bombay Catholic Sabha organises a Massive Rally: Bombay Catholic Sabha
organised a Massive Rally named "SADBHAWNA MELAWA" on 15th Nov at 3pm
at Shivaji Park
For the Complete Story Please Click

Its not Democracy but Mobacracy says Teesta at SADBHAWNA MELAWA.
Teesta Setalvad of Citizens For Justice and Peace (CJP) and Editor of
Communalism Combat, a Mumbai based civil rights activist,journalist
and educationist said that the Democracy has now reduced to Mobacracy
For the Complete Speach of Teesta Setelvad please Click

We are pained and anguished said Dolphy DSouza at the Rally.
Delivering Key Note Address Dolphy DSouza said that We are pained and
anguished on the attacks that were taking place on Christian
For the Complete Speach of Dolphy DSouza please Click

SADBHAWNA MELAWA condemns the acts of violence. Several speakers spoke
on the occasion of SADBHAWNA MELAWA organised by Bombay Catholic Sabha
in which tens of thousand of people gathered on Nov 15 at 3pm at
Shivaji Park
For the Abstracts of their speeches please Click

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