Dear Jose Agnelo,

There is unlikely to be one Goan who is not horrified by the events in
Mumbai. I believe that most Goans and many people around the world are
just numbed by the senseless violence against innocent people.

Merely condemning this brutality on GoaNet is not enough. We need to
change our focus in life - for good.

There are the losers who just jump up and down against this IFFI and
that Portuguese week
There are con-artists who swipe other people's land, and honour as
philanthropists seek

Others want to create division among us on the basis of religion
While their own acts of vandalism are legion

And while we ignorant fools are busy destroying each other
The vandals are quietly killing our mother, father, sister and brother.

When will we ever learn that Violence only begets more Violence
and that senseless and disruptive  'alleged activism' makes negative sense.

It had to take a tragedy like this one
to remind us that if we are not together, we will be done

Did you hear me O disorderos de Goa.
Time to use your talents constructively or not at all.
It might not win you any extra money from the "liberation" funds
It might not get you any extra legal clients or the publicity you yearn
It might not even wash away your own sins of vandalism - past and present
BUT .... it might help the security forces keep their eyes focussed on
the real problems

Will ya please STOP this disruptive nonsense and do something
constructive for a change.
Enough of this destructive and bitter streak you guys are on.

Will ya please grow up? This is almost 2009.
1961 done gone a long time ago.
Enough of nonsense.

Do not work if you are unable or unwilling
But please do not destroy what little we Goans have.

A Goan who believes that we are a product of our multi-faceted influences
The denial experts and revision nuts having been noted


2008/11/27 Jose Agnelo do Rosario Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

It has been more than 24 hours since terror began in Mumbai, and is
still continuing. It is time for all Goans, irrespective of religion,
to get united and condemn these terrorist acts. It is surprising to me
that I have not seen yet a single email from Goanet readers contemning
these terrorist acts. Today it is Mumbai, tomorrow it will be Goa.

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