This message is in reply to Message: 10 date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 from: Selma
Carvalho under subject: Mumbai blast and Italian Indian Congress

Selma writes: Barad should ask the members of his BJP party, Who got
independence without fighting? Because most of them cowards that they were,
were in hiding during the fight for independence, so they should know better
than anyone else who got independence without fighting? 

Not the Congress of India, who spent many years fighting and spending their
lives in jail, so that the Barads of today can roam the country free and
dissolve the very foundations of a secular India, that the Congress had paid
for with their lives.

My Response: Selma, my posting was: Veer Sawarkar had composed a poem in
Marathi which in English is - Who got Independence / Liberation without
fighting. To this, our great Congress loyalist wrote - We the Indians got
Independence / Liberation without fighting following Gandhi's principles!! 

For other pertinent points raised by me please re-refer my original post
dated Wed, 12/10/08.

In stead of answering to my posting you preferred to attack me personally.
Anyway you are known for this in Goanet. 

Your above answer also indirectly conveys that you had no right answer to my
posting but preferred to write irrelevant only to bounce at me and to show
your love and sympathy to Congress and Sonia. 

Well done keep it up. For your information I am neither BJP nor Congressmen
therefore I can write freely without any party compulsions. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G.  Barad

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