This SECOND message is in reply to Message: 10 date: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 from:
Selma Carvalho under subject: Mumbai blast and Italian Indian Congress

Selma writes: Barad should ask the members of his BJP party, Who got
independence without fighting? Because most of them cowards that they were,
were in hiding during the fight for independence, so they should know better
than anyone else who got independence without fighting? Not the Congress of
India, who spent many years fighting and spending their lives in jail, so
that the Barads of today can roam the country free and dissolve the very
foundations of a secular India, that the Congress had paid for with their

My pertinent response to the very posting of Selma: 

1. Selma please answer your own question as to who got independence without
fighting? In fact this was my pertinent question and you twisted it. 
2. Selma tell me who where those coward BJP persons hiding when the fight
for independence was going on?
3. Who got independence without fighting? And that was my main question.  
4. Who are those congressmen who fought and spend their lives in Jail and
enjoyed the benefits of independent India later?
5. Who are those Congress persons who have laid the foundation of secular

And lastly, Selma please don't forget to define the word Secular &
Secularism as is applicable to our India. Also don't forget to write few
lines on what is going on in Goa under pretext of Secular and Secularism.  

Best regards,
Dr. U. G. Barad

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