This message is in reply to message: 11, dated: Sat, 20 Dec 2008 from: Mario
Goveia on subject: The Right to Convert

Mario responds: 

Dr. Barad,

Please don't be ridiculous.  Ths issue is not anyone's right to convert
someone else. The last time I checked India had what is called freedom of
religion.  The right to convert means that any Indian citizen has the right
to voluntarily change their religion and convert to any other religion or

My response: Mario let me start my response using your first line. Mario
please don't be ridiculous for you have not followed the thread nor have you
followed my reply to Selma but preferred to pour in your intelligence. 

If you think you are wiser than Supreme Court (SC) judges in interpreting
the articles contained in Indian Constitution including Article 25(1) please
write to SC. You might be even awarded Bharat Ratna 2008 for sharing your
intelligence to SC. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad  

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