Santosh Helekar:
It looks like attempts are being made in this forum to show Hindu NRIs in
bad light by picking and choosing articles and excerpts from the internet,
and creating the impression that facts are being reported.

1. It is interesting how the poster draws conclusions that Hindu NRI's are
being shown in bad light when the article, in fact, states just the
opposite. That Hindu NRI's are being taken for a ride by certain
organisations by being led to believe that they are contributing to temples
and charity whereas these funds are channelled towards hate and violence.

The extract is reproduced once again below:
"Many overseas Indian Hindus—including some in this country—finance
religious groups in India in the belief that the funds will be used to build
temples, and educate and feed the poor of their faith. Many would be
appalled to know that some recipients of their money are out to destroy
minorities (Christians as well as Muslims) and their places of worship,"
wrote Rekhi in the article, co-authored with Henry S. Rowen, a professor
emeritus at Stanford University and senior fellow of the Hoover Institution"

2..Kanwal Rekhi, the author of the article and who is quoted above is an
ex-IITian and Chairman of TIE a group of ex-IITians whose mission is to
bring and upgrade institutions of learning in India.

3. It is also most interesting how the poster without adducing any evidence
to prove the contrary just trashes the article just because it does not fit
in with his thought process or against certain organisations with whom his
sympathies lie.



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